Chapter 9

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"Everybody stop!"

We were on the move again, and Buck stopped us.

"I smell something." Buck sniffed out the sent, and picks something up with his knife. "It smells like a buzzards but fell off." He made a disgusted face. "Then got sprayed on by a bunch of skunks."

"That's Sid" Diego remarked.

"Mammals, we have ourselves a crime scene." Buck set his fists on his hips. "A tuft of fur. Half eaten carcass. Hunk of... No!" Buck jumped back in fright.

"Broccoli." I looked away in disgust. I HATE broccoli! And it appears the Buck is the same.

"Here's what I think happened." Buck painted out the picture.

"Dinosaur attacks Sid, Sid fights back with piece of broccoli, leaving dinosaur,

A vegetable."

"Are you nuts? Sid's not violent. Or coordinated." Diego corrected him. I nodded my head in agreement. He was one-hundred percent correct.

"Yeah. And where's the dinosaur?" Manny questioned.

"All right. All right, good point. Theory two. Sid's eating broccoli, dinosaur eats Sid, dinosaur steps on broccoli, leaving broccoli,

A vegetable." Buck finished.

"Buck when exactly did you lose your mind?" Manny asked.

Buck thought for a moment.

"Three months ago. I woke up one morning dating a pineapple. An ugly pineapple." He sighed. "But I loved her. Apparently things didn't work out. So we broke up." I walked up to the edge of a cliff, when I saw something important.

"Buck, I think you missed a little clue over here." I yelled back to him. He walked up next to me the rest following.

"Well, your friend might be alive, but not for long. Rudy's closing in."

"Woah." The two possums said in sync.

"You got it. The Plates of Woe. Or whatever's left of them."


"Single file, everyone! Head for Lava Falls." We walked on the edges of the plates, where they were left. We were so close, and soon, this adventure would be over. I would have to go home. I would have to leave Buck. I slowly walked behind Buck, Crash, and Eddie.

"What's that sound?"

"It's the wind. It's speaking to us." Buck answered.

"What's it saying?"

"I don't know. I don't speak wind."

I heard a groan come from a small ways behind me. I turned around to see Ellie.

"Ellie!" Manny called.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm just taking my..." Ellie was cut off by screaming caused by the plates rumbling, and sliding under her.

"Ellie!" I yelled out.

"Manny! Y/N!"

"Get to the ledge!" Ellie leaped over to a stable cliff edge, as we slid down to the bottom of the canyon.

"Ellie!" We called out.

"Ellie! Where are you?" Manny yelled.

"It's okay! I'm up here!" Ellie called down to us, from the cliff side.

"Hang on, Ellie! We'll be right there!" The question is, how.

We all thought out a plan to get to Ellie when a loud roar erupted from a long distance beyond us.

"Rudy." Buck stated.

"Rudy?" I question, surprised at the causes of the monstrous roar. Another scream was heard.

"Never heard that kind of Dino before." Buck shrugged.

"That's Sid!" Manny exclaimed.

"We'll have to move fast."

"Manny! Pineapples!" Ellie shouted.

"Pineapples?" Buck questioned, standing next to me, looking up at Ellie.

"She gets cravings." Manny explained.

"Pomegranates? Grapefruit? Nectarines?"

"She's ordering a fruit cocktail." Diego pointed out.

"Has this happened before?" I looked at Manny. Ellie mumbled something, then look back up.


"Peaches?" Manny asked shaking his head. Then it snapped. "Peaches! The baby! Wha-What now!" Manny started to panic and run around.

"This? Not good." Diego said and looked at me with a worried look. I looked back. He was right.

This could not go well.

Sorry that this was a boring chapter. I promise the next one will be more interesting and funner. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE READS!! I'm so glad you are enjoying this book! THANK YOU MY CHAOS MAKERS!!!

Love is an Adventure (A Buck X Reader Fanfic) #FictionAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now