Chapter 8

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"They'll never survive. It's dangerous by day.
But it's even worse at night.
Plus, their guides a lunatic.
What? You mean, Buck? He's wacko!
I am not!
Totally bonkers.
And his feet smell.
Shut up!
You, shut up!
Oh, you little...

I watched closely as Buck had made a conversation with skulls. The whole time there was one question on my mind...who was winning? I mean, he was back talking to skulls that were talking crap about him. Now he was strangling his own foot. This was very confusing.

"He's strangling his own foot." Manny said stating the obvious.

"I can see that." I said. "Shouldn't we get moving?"

"What? And give Rudy a midnight snack? Not likely." said.

"The skulls right. Take the load off, mammals. We'll camp here." Buck remarked. "Now, who's hungry?"

"I am."

"You don't need the calories!"


We were all eating, and listening to Bucks story in utter "awe", but I was most intrigued.

(After the story. Oh you guys know the story well enough.)

"I may have lost an eye that day, but I got this!" Buck finished.

"Rudy's tooth."

"Dang" Crash and Eddie said in "awe"

I was shocked. That was a very interesting story. What's not to believe, I mean, it all makes sense.

"It's like the old saying, "An eye for a tooth, a nose for a chin, a butt for a..." He stopped. "Well, it's an old saying, but it's not a very good one."

"You are Super Weasel!"

"Diesel Weasel!" Diego finished, as Buck broke out into dance moves, foot fiving Diego at the end.

"What? He is." I laughed at the look on Manny's face, as I got up to find a place to sleep.

"Now let me tell you about the time I used a sharpened clam shell to turn a T- Rex, into a T-Rachel."

"Yes master." The two brothers said in sync.

"That's enough fairy tales for one night." Manny walked over to Ellie. "Come on, Ellie you should rest now."

"Life of the party." Ellie remarks, walking with Manny to rest.

"All, right, you guys get some shut-eye. I'll keep watch." Buck said.

"Don't worry Buck. We got this. Night time is possum time."

"Yeah! We own the night, baby!"

Bucks POV

About an hour later the two, were fast asleep.

I froze in place when a loud roar came from a far distance away. I smirked, and looked at the wooden carving I did of Rudy.
"Goodnight, Rudy." I looked at everyone asleep, but my eyes fell on Y/N. I never thought that I would find another weasel. I haven't seen one in ages. But Y/N, she was special.

I quietly hopped up on the tree she was sleeping on, and carefully pecked her forehead.

"Goodnight, love." I whispered, as I returned up to a tree, and watched over everyone, as they peacefully slept.


Yawning, I sat up, and hopped down from the tree, to see Manny and Ellie talking. I didn't want to interfere, so I let them be. I hopped onto a different tree that had a large rocky clearing, and what appeared to be a lava pit. Soon two saber toothed squirrels passed by fighting for a simple acorn.

Soon it almost seemed like a dance. I could picture the music in my mind, as if it was playing out loud. I yelped, as I was pulled right up against Buck. He smirked, and swing me around so my back was against his chest. I smirked back understanding what he was trying to do, and went with it. We danced in sync with the two squirrels, but more neater, smother, and more with the movement. We laughed as we danced. Buck dipped me, with a sly smirk on his face. I giggled lightly, and slipped from his grasp, walking away. He came after me, and I stopped him with my tail, and he froze. I ran my tail along his front, and under his chin. His eyes half shut lustfully, and leaned into my touch. I quickly pulled away, and he fell on the trunk. I walked in the opposite direction and onto another trunk. Buck came after me, and dipped me once more. He tripped, and fell on top of me, straddling my waist. Our lips almost touching. We both blushed and looked away. Buck stood up, and helped my up. I looked down and rubbed my arm.
"That was fun." I said shyly.
"It was." Buck replied.
"Thanks." I pecked his cheek, and hopped down.

Things were already getting better. Before they would get worse.

ELLO! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been busy. But THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K reads!! THATS SO AWESOME!!!

Love is an Adventure (A Buck X Reader Fanfic) #FictionAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now