Nunnally(new character oh yeah!)

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Okay so this chapter is about the new character Nunnally (who will be coming in pretty soon). Oh and this chapter is written by alixiaroseann's beautiful editor and best friend @blackcat1277 sadly I do not have any stories yet (I'm a horable procrastanator) *sigh* now to the story!!!

Name: Nunnally De Morecef

Age:15 (in same class as Haruhi, Lithium, and the twins)

She has yellow eyes, and her hair color is brown. she is bubbly, extreamly random. very lovable, and shy at times.(as you will clearly find out XD)

And here is her back story.. "Mother mother! I found these amazing flowers for brothers grave!" Just the thought of his name makes me cry, he died just about four months ago serving in the army for the United States of America. I ran down the hall of our summer cottage to my mother and father's room, on the way there remembering that father is on buisness in Japan, with a man named Souh. He said that he is going to bring mother and I to live in the Souh manor with him, because Souh is offering an amazing job.

Of course me being the clutz I am tripped over an invisable "rock". ruining the flowers as I fell on top of them. 'Oh well I thought as I stayed on the foor I will just pick new ones up later', 'ahh this wood floor is comfy I will have to remember to lay here some other time. As I was just drifting off into sleep I heard the loud clatter of a chair falling. Then the stamping of feet from one of the the maids running up the stairs. As she comes up next to me she says "I think your momma has fallen again trying to walk around her room." Okay" I say groggily as I get up off the floor.

I walked next to the maid as she waddled to the door. I rushed in front of her growing impatent, I pushed the door open to see my mothers body dead, dangleing from the ceiling one of her wrists cut open blood still dripping from the cut. The same blood that runs through my vains. I look over and on the wall written in my mothers blood said "I WANT TO BE WITH MY SON!" I drop to my knees crying.

*a few days later*

I add the the final touch to my outfit for mothers funeral. A plain black tee, black skinny jeans and a black beenie, the dark makeup makes my face look even more haunting than it has been. Walking into the church clinging onto fathers arm. We walk up to a older man and his son "Hello Souh I would like to tell you that upon my wifes death we have no reason to stay in France so I will accept your invatation as the chairman at the ouran primary school, and my daughter will be able to go the acadamy free correct?" " Yes and at the manor we will be putting your daughter with another young lady that is staying there if thats okay with her." said Souh "That would be great Mr. Souh" I say then I walk away and stand by a window. I feel a tap on my shoulder "Hello dear Nunnally, my name is Tamaki Souh. How have you been feeling?" when I didn't respond or even look at him, he gentally put his hand on my cheek and turned my head to look at him."Nunnally you can tell me anything, okay." I look up into his violet eyes and saw compassion in them and then I started crying, he pulls me closer and hugs me. We walk over to our fathers, Tamaki's arm around me holding me close to him. "Nunnally is not feeling well so i will take her to the manor so she can relax.

*on way to manor*

In the limo I pull a lime green tanktop out of my purse and put it on and take off the beenie, I look over at Tamaki to see that he is lightly blushing, I giggle and ask. "Whats wrong Tamaki?" "Well when you put on the tanktop your mid-drift was showing." "ohh Tama-chan doesn't like girls showing off some skin?WellI will just have to remember that! So tell me about this girl that I will be sharing a room with!' I say excitedly. "Her name is Lithium and she has blue hair and red eyes she is mute but she can sing amazingly and she can play the piano. she is in the same year as you." "amazing!! Is there any one else I should know about?" "Well, yes there are the twins Kaoru and Hikaru Hitachiin also first years and Haruhi Fugioka she is a first year too, there is Kyoya Ootari who is a second year like myself, then Mitskuni Huninosuka who you can call Huni and Takashi Morinosuka who you can call Mori they are both third years, and we are all in a club called the Host Club and I would like you to be a guest and you may chose any host you want." he had said that as we pulled into the driveway of the manor. I jumped out of the limo and asked a maid to show me to Lithiums room.I was bouncing around with Tamaki walking next to me as we slowly walked to the room. He grabbed my hand to tell me to settle down. I started to walk and I looked up at him and saw a small smile on his face, and quickly looked down feeling heat come to my face. We stoped infront of a door that has a sign on it that said Lithium's room keep out!! "Well that's welcoming" I giggled. "She didn't know she is going to share her room." I open the door to find.....(a/n: i just had to add that!) an amazing room decorated just like I would decorate my room and there was an extra bed and dresser I ran over to one of my bag and unziped it and dumped out its contents onto the floor and I started setting my stuff up. It was about three hours later and I had every thing set up the way I wanted it. My rainbow striped sheets with a brand new duvet laying neatly over them. All of my clothes were neatly folded and put into drawers, the few posters I have were hung up and my labtop was sitting on the desk idleing. "finally done." I sighed as I fell back onto my bed.I looked over and saw the blue bag that holds my uniform in it,I decided to go wonder the school..... I slipped out of my clothes and pulled on my tights and dress and pull on my shoes whenI look in the mirror I can't help but laugh, I look like a little girl!! I was laughing histarically when i heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Tamaki walks in as I stop spinning. "I thought you were suposed to be in class?" " Its the end of school day and I thought that I would escort you to the club to meet the guys and Lithy and Haruhi."


blackcat1277:yayayayayayayaay i finished! I'm so happy!

alixiaroseann:Its about time yah slow poke!

blackcat1277:*pouts* thats just mean *takes her usa-chan* you dont get this back!!!!

Lithium (a sad love story) OHSHCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon