Chapter 4: first love

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Ok I am going to be nice and give you all a long chapter it's been a few days and this it the story here it is!!!!!! Love you people!!!!! Sorry for not updating in sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long!!!!!


Lithiums POV

OH GOD!!! I had the exact same class and the twins and Haruhi. Not creepy.

I then noticed that the only seat was next to Karou. I sighed and walked over and sat down next to him. I looked from the corner of my eye and saw a blush in his face.

Karous POV

Lithium was wearing a skirt thought I was never going to see her in a skirt. Ok she is HOT!! I will admit that she was cute and now I know I have a big crush on her.

Lithiums POV

I noticed that every boy looked at me and some stared and I looked over and they blushed and turned back to the teacher. I sighed. I already know all of this. Stupid social studies. I tried to stay awake but started dozing off. Karou handed me a note ' are you as board as I am?' I took my pencil and Answered ' yes, I think I might die!!! I have already learned this in like 8th grade and I feel like I am soooo out of place here..... And Tamiki said something about a host club I have to go to and I have no idea where that is do you?' I handed it back to him. He chuckled and wrote something in the note and handed it back to me. I opened it and it said ' what do they teach you in America? And I know were to go. Hikaru, Haruhi and I go there every day so we can show you around.' I silently laughed and said ' a lot that you shall never know!!! Hahahaha! Ok I might tell you.... Key term might! And thanks I would love that.' I handed it back to him. He shook his head and wrote something down and handed it back. I opened it and it said 'awwww why not do you not love me? And no problem I would love to show you around' I shuck my head and wrote 'Karou..... I love you I can't tell you cuz you wouldn't understand.... But don't worry I loves you a lot.' I handed him the note and I saw a blush rise on his face.

I silently laughed.

Skip to a break

The teacher said we had a free time to talk and do what we would like. Every one came to my desk shouting questions "were do you come from!" shouted a girl "how did you get to come here!" shouted a guy"do you have a boyfriend" shouted some random guy. A lot more came at my and I plugged my ears and put my head on my desk. "HEY!!! QUIET!!! She can answer all of your questions one at a time up at the board." said Karou. "are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded and got up and walked to the board and wrote 'raise your hand if you have a question and I'll call on you and answer your question.' I put up. A lot of the class raised there hands. I looked and pointed to some guy and he said "do you have any hobbies and if so what are they?" he asked. I had to think about that. I turned and put on the board ' yes I do they are drawing, piano, singing, gymnastics, and dancing.' I turned and looked at the class they all said "YOU CAN SINING!!". I nodded. Then they raised there hand again and I called on a girl and she asked "can you sing us a song now please?" she asked I nodded and thought about the song. I thought about every time we touch by cascada (idk on spelling?)

I took out my iPod and put on the board ' I played the song choice on piano and recorded it so I shall sing the song'

"I still here your voice when you sleep next to me

I still fell you touch in my dreams

Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why

Without you It's hard to survive


Cuz every time we touch I get this feeling and every time we

Kiss I swear I could fly

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