Chapter 3: First school day

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Lithiums POV

I turn to find everyone staring at me. I give a silent giggle. "Wow..... I never knew you could sing like that?" said Tamiki

"Me too I find that very interesting." said Kyoya.

"Us as well, we never heard any person sing like that ever!" said the twins in unison. "Me too....." said hairuhi. "She sings sooo pretty!" said huni. Mori grunted in agreement.

I just laugh silently. They all give me a worried look. I just shake my head. I get up and push the chair in and walk past them. I go up to my room and go into the bath room, undress and start the shower.

Tamikis POV

I watched as she went up the stairs to her room, I heard the shower turn on. I smile. "Well I better get home my dad will be worried if I say any later." said Haruhi. "and plus I still have to do my homework." she added.

"Yeah, us too boss" said the twins in unison. "us as well Tama-chan" said Huni. Mori grunted in agreement. "as well as I Tamiki.." said Kyoya.

I smile at everyone of them warmly. "All right I shall see you all tomorrow. Until then,"

Not long after they all leave. I sigh, now it's only us. She has been out of the shower for awile now she should be done. I walk up the stairs to her room. And open it to find...

Lithium's POV

I was trying to find my cloths so I could get dressed. I was in only my red lace bra and matching panties. When Tamiki walked in. I felt the heat rush to my face. He was tomato red. We staid that way for 5 minuets. When 

He shut the door.

Tamiki POV

I just saw lithium in her braw and underwear...... I was so tempted to go up and start kissing her..... GAHH!!!! I can't think this!  

A pice of paper slid from under the door ' hay umm can I barrow your shirt? I can't find my cloths any where.... And could you also help me unpack all of my things?' 

I smiled " yes you can and yes I will help you." I said

Lithium's POV

I heard him get up and go to his room. I just wait and he knocks. I go up to the door and open it just enough for him to see my face. He looks down at me with a little blush on his face. I grab his hand and pull him in. He didn't expect that. And we both fell him on top..... Me on the bottom. I look up at his pretty violet eyes and I trace my fingers around his face.....

Tamiki's POV

Her touch sent sparks through me, I just look at her eyes, those pretty red eyes.... I look down at her lips. So inviting just to kiss. I put my hand to her face she snuggles into my hand with her face.

Lithium's POV

I fell his thumb go over my bottom lip so tenderly... His touch sends shivers though me. I lightly kiss his thumb. He slowly lowers down. Tamiki slowly closed the space between our lips. He kissed so tenderly. His hands went to my stomach. He held me like if he held me to tight that I would shatter or bruse easily. I kiss back lightly.

Tamikis POV

I kissed her I wonder how things would be with us after. Her skin is so soft. I brush her stomach with my hands. I felt her shudder. I pull back from the kiss.

Lithums POV

I look into his eyes. I give a small smile. He slowly gets up and hands me the shirt. I smile and take it. I easily slip it on.

*hours later*

We finished my room except for my Skillet posters.... and other posters. I open up the last box and take them out as well as the poster putty. We also are listening to my fav skillet song 'comatose'. It blasted through the speakers. I mouth the words to the song while head banning.

I hang up the last of my posters and smile. My room is complete... And my bed is so epic!!! It's black and splatter painted lime green, electric blue, and blood red. It now about 7:00 and I am getting tired. 'thanks Tamiki for helping and good night' I hand him the paper he reads over and smiles " good night to you too." he moves the hair from my face and kisses my forehead. he walks out and shuts the door. I go over to my dresser and open it and grab my black tank top and pink fuzzy short shorts with black hearts on them. I slip off my clothes and put them on. Then I slipped into nice warm sheets and fell into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me. I growl and show my eyes to the person I also had the evil glair to go with it. I find out it's Tamiki.

He started spazzing " y-you a-are scarer then Kyoya or Huni sempi when I try to wake them!" he said.

I look at the clock 6:30 you have got to be kidding me! I get up and look at him he is skulking in his 'emo' corner. I walk up and hug him. He stiffens but hugs back. I grab my note book and right

'you know.... I hate waking up early....... But it's different if it's you or the guys.... Plus Haruhi.... But warn me not to wake Huni or Kyoya... Okay' I hand it to him he laughed.

I smile and he hands me two bags " you need to were the uniform to school. Preferably the girls so try it on."

I look in the bag and find this hideous yellow dress. I look at him with the 'you have got to be kidding me!' look I hand it back to him and go to my closet and grab my black sweet shirt with bear ears on top it is also fuzzy, my white strapless top, and my red pleaded skirt. I walk to my dresser grab a bra and panties, and long black and gray striped socks. Then I go to my desk and open the top dower and find my skull shaped silver ring and a couple of random ones, my emo bracelet and my epic belt to go with it.  

I run into the bathroom and put them on. After that I walk over to my closet and pull out some black boots. I walk down stairs to see Tamiki eating food. He looks up and drops his spoon. He starts blushing really hard. I look at him he is wearing the boys uniform I take out my note book and write ' I would rather wear the boys uniform then the girls and why are you staring at me?!'  

I show him the note. He just blushes even redder. I shake my head and grab a chocolate muffin. I eat it and now were heading off to school.

*a little bit later*

I ran to my class. GOD DAMN this place is big!!! I open the door and try to catch my breath. I notice every eye on me. I feel the heat rush to my face.

"oh hello, you must be the new student, Lithium Suma, right?" asked the teacher.

I nod, and I write on the board 'hey! I'm Lithium and I am mute so I can't talk to any one... It's nice to meat all of you.' I turn around and give a small smile. Then I notice two Ginger headed boys, and Haruhi.... Well this is going to be great.... I am stuck with these people I just met.

Lithium (a sad love story) OHSHCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant