Chapter 18

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The soft cry of Daisy filled my ears through the baby monitor. Despite how exhausted I felt, I didn't complain as I started to get up. Someone gently touched my upper arm and I looked back at Louis.

"I've got her, my love. You sleep."

I only nodded and laid my head back down on the pillow. But it was no secret I wouldn't sleep until she stopped crying. Soon, I could hear Louis talking to her.

"What are you crying about little love? Mum's trying to sleep. I'm trying. You should try... Are you hun- oh no."

I laughed to myself. Daisy hadn't stopped her fit as Louis talked, and she only quieted down some after he changed her.

Louis's soft, slightly raspy voice flowed through the baby monitor as he sang.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea. Maybe that's the reason you talk in your sleep..."

A smile spread on my lips as I drifted off into sleep.


Louis carried Daisy in his arms as our feet sunk in the sand. I held her carrier and the duffle with diapers, bottles, spit up rags, extra binkies, clothes, a few toys, wipes, etc. We had everything.

Despite how inseparable Katie and I were before, we hadn't seen each other in a few weeks. Of course, her and Niall visited to see Daisy, but I didn't leave the house much with her. Nothing had quieted down yet; not in this fandom. I'd still left a couple times with Lou for store runs and coffee outings. That was it though. With Katie so close, we didn't need to risk anything.

Our risk level today went out to a cliff and jumped off with no hesitation. The four of us met up at the beach. Well, not four, there are five, couldn't forget the little one, and technically it was six if you counted the little one in Katie.

I made a funny face at Katie when we made eye contact. As we hugged, Katie asked, "Whose bright idea was this?"

"I think I recall it being yours, love."

"I don't know. We're too exposed, and I look like a fucking whale."

Louis scoffed, "Watch the mouth."

Niall came over, furrowing his eyebrows. "She can't understand our words yet. Also, your mouth is worse." He wrapped his arms around Katie and pecked her on the cheek. "And you're a beautiful whale."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Okay, Horan."

"I'm telling the truth, love," he scoffed.

"Yeah? Sometimes lying would be better."

"I said you were beautiful!"

Katie pointed a finger at him. "But you still said I was a whale."

Now, Niall rolled his eyes.

I laughed a little at their banter. Daisy made sounds of delight and it made me laugh even more. I turned around to look at her and I babied, "Are uncle Niall and aunt Katie funny? Are they? Yes, they are!"

Her blue-green eyes lit up and she smiled. For three months old, she definitely showed her emotions. It was pretty easy to tell. And she had some hair grown in; it looked red at the moment. Lou and I had a bet going on as to what color her hair would actually be. Of course, I was betting it'd be red and curly like mine.

I reached out to take her from Lou and cradled her in my arms. Immediately, her hands clung onto one of the shoulder straps of my red, white polka dotted one-piece. It was better that than my hair, which I put up into a ponytail for two reasons--cause it's hot out and so she didn't pull on it.

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