10. Clearing the air

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Trying to figure out if my dancing means something else, I end up staying past the intended time frame.

"Konner?" Donnie asks, surprised by my being in his lab.

"Please tell me the others aren't with you."

"Yes, they are...? Is something going on?"

"You have no idea," I groan. "Where's Raphael?"

"He's in his room?" Donnie questions, severely confused by my attitude. Standing up from his chair, I rush past, heading towards the bedrooms. Sure enough, his door is ajar, and it sounds as if he's talking to himself. Walking in as quietly as possible proves to be useless as he turns around and smiles.

"Long time no see, princess. What's been keeping you away from us?"

"Complicated," I mutter.

"Well what can I do to cheer you up?"

"Oh my gosh!" I groan. "Stop being so nice! You're supposed to be the grumpy bad boy and your being nice does not help my case!" As soon as I'm done from the near shouting, he looks at me strangely.

"Are you okay?"

"No," I mutter, banging my head against his wall. But after the third hit, he picks me up, taking me over to his bed as I try and hit myself against his plastron. Sitting me down, he chooses to sit on the ground, looking up at me.

"Tell me what's going on."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because... It involves you."

"Well then don't I have a right to know?" He asks, but I stubbornly shake my head. Why did I have to choose a turtle to fall for? Getting up off his knees, Raph sits next to me, allowing me to fall backwards in his lap. Once my head is comfortably placed, I meet his critical gaze.

"I don't have to make a decision," I realize, thinking to myself. My statement seems to confuse him, but there's no way I will clear up his wanting to know what's going on. I can just remain to myself, there's no reason for me to freak out.

But looking back at Raph, to see his worried glance, I know it's easier said than done. He's worked some kind of magic on me, and there's no way this crush is disappearing anytime soon. Which just leaves the predicament with Leo. Sitting myself up, I look at the armor covering Raph, trying to figure out what to do.

"I've never kissed anyone, you know."

"Why am I being told this?" He questions, seriously confused. Probably not the wisest to speak aloud.

"Oh... Just an observation."

"Humans," He mutters, rolling his eyes. I punch his shoulder, which then results in him punching me back, not nearly using the amount of force I know he has.

"Thank you for all of your help, Raph."

"But I didn't do anything?"

"You never do," I reply.

Getting off of his lap, I walk out of the room despite his confused protests. It's now or never that I deal with this. Knowing me, I would run out of here and hide for yet another week. But I know how I feel, there's no hiding that. And there's no point in leaving Leo hurt and without an answer.


"Leo, we need to talk."

He looks up from the television, surprised I'm even here. Frankly, I shocked myself. But the dance, I knew a decision had to be made. He follows me until we're in one of the sewer walkways, where none of the others can hear us talking.

"Look, Konner. About the other-"

"Don't," I cut him off. "How do I make you feel?" He's taken aback by my question, clearly not expecting this.

"I like you."

"But Leo, do I push your boundaries? Irk you in such a way that drives you insane?"


"Exactly," I breathe. "A relationship is more than simple happiness. And since you don't feel everything for me, you don't like me."

"But-" I cut him off again, shoving my phone in his face. I recorded Donnie's recording of the dance, and he presses play. The dancing lasts only a minute long, I shortened it to the part that actually matters. Listening to the music and watching his face, I try and shove the guilt out that's steadily making its way in.

"What is this?" He finally asks.

"Earlier this evening. I went to the studio and danced. Just however I felt. That dance did not have a single part of you in it, because I don't like you. You're a brother to me, one that watches and protects."

"I see."

"I'm not trying to hurt you here, Leo. But we just wouldn't work. Not to mention, you've got an entire team to take care of. Add a girlfriend to that, you wouldn't get a moment of rest."

"I'm going to still like you, you know."

"I know," I sigh. Now is time to fall back to plan B. "Which is why I'm going to help you out with that."

As Leo opens his mouth to question my statement, I wrap my arms around his neck. Leaning in slightly, he seems to take care of the rest, kissing me. Placing his hands gently around my waist, I'm pulled further into the moment. This was not supposed to happen. The kiss is actually worth something, and I know that Leo is aware of it as well. Something I can't describe, and don't even want to. But there is a spark; reoccurring. Pulling back slightly, I look up at the now furiously blushing boy.

"What point was that supposed to prove?"

"That we wouldn't work," I sigh, leaning against the wall.

"Your plan kind of failed," He responds.

"Leo, there's another reason why-"

"I know. You're easy to read when dancing," Leo replies, a sad smile on his face.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You can't control how you feel. Besides, the kiss was just validation for me, in a strange sense."

"You don't hate me, do you?"

"I care about you too much to hate you," Leo chuckles. "And you did go through a fair amount to make this work."

He hands the phone back to me, and I know that our friendship isn't broken. Which now leaves me with Raphael. Pushing myself up, we walk back to the lair, Leo trying to put together who it was I had danced for. He teases me the entire way inside, attempting to make m spill. As we walk over to the living room, Raph turns around and waves, two pieces of pizza in his hand. I smile back slightly, rolling my eyes as he eats without any remote manners.

"Oh my gosh," Leo mutters, and my eyes go wide. He looks between me and his brother, causing a sheepish grin to appear on my lips. How did he figure it out from a simple hello? "Konner, you can't be serious."

"Leo, spare me the lecture. I know what I've gotten myself into," I try, looking around uneasily to make sure no one else hears.

"Do you?" He questions, shaking his head and walking towards the guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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