7. Intolerable

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"Finally, April and Konner will be partners." My eyes widen, looking up from the aimless doodles I was tracing in the journal. Looking across the room, April has the same expression, even less pleased if that's possible. The last bell of the day rings, and as much as I don't want to, I rush over to her side.

"So... what do you want to do?"

"Solo," She replies, haphazardly stacking books together.


"You heard me. I don't want any part of you. Instead, I'll do it all myself and you can put your pretty name on it."

"I'm not doing that. Besides, English is my best subject."

"Why am I not surprised," She snorts.

"Okay, really? Cut the act, O'Neil. I am not going to accept work from a B average student just because of your hissy fit over who your partner is. We work together."

April turns to me, an eyebrow raised.

"Fine. We work together."

This is enough for me, and I continue walking to go see the boys. After a few minutes, I realize April is going the same way as well. Wonderful. Just what I need. A shitty afternoon with a shitty evening. Looking both ways, I toss the lid aside, not bothering to watch out for April. Climbing down the ladder, I sprint to the lair while she makes sure to cover the tracks.

"Hey cowgirl," Raph greets, ignoring my pissed off expression. Grabbing his hand, I drag the turtle along to the bathroom, sitting him on the makeshift shower and my bag on the toilet. Tearing the black leather jacket away, he crosses his arms and messes with a toothpick in his mouth. This seems to be a new trend, something I and the others are confused by. "I didn't know you were into stripping. Leo said otherwise."

"Raphael." Twirling a finger around, he groans which causes me to smirk as he turns his back to me. Opening up my backpack, I pull out a leotard and jean shorts to go over it, with a ballerina wrap. Stripping out of the jeans, I keep a wary eye on Raph, not completely trusting his privacy space.

"So why'd you drag me in here, princess? It's considered rude to tease someone, even a turtle."

"I took you in here to rant... about April."

"Ahh. Well rant away my little hothead."

"So, we were assigned partners to one another for the English assignment. We're supposed to do a documentary. Anyways, I ask her after class what she wanted to do it on, and she completely shuts me down!" I take a breathe, attempting to unbuckle the bra strap. Unfortunately, I chose wrong in the bra department today, instead ending up with my mom's pushup. "Um, Raph? I need help..."

He shuffles around, meeting my blushed gaze in the mirror. Eyes darkening, he looks between my reflection and me. I haven't seen that look since the night he told me to dance for him. It takes a moment for him to respond, something that confuses me.

"You expect the turtle with hands twice your size to fix that?"

"Raph, please," I groan, trying to do it myself. Finally sighing, he nods his head and mimics what I have been trying to do. It takes several tries, he wasn't joking about big hands getting in the way. But after several pinches to the skin and his curses, he finally manages to snap it apart. Clinging to the front so it doesn't fall off, Raph and I look back at one another in the mirror.

"I'm waiting for you to turn around."

"Shouldn't I get a reward for being prince charming?"

"You've already seen me in nothing but undergarments," I gesture towards my virtually bare body. "What more could you want?"

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