"Hey Toby" I say a little over excitedly. Play it cool Spencer!

"Hey Spence" he says. I love it when he calls me Spence. "I wanted to know if you were free? Maybe we could grab some lunch or something, if you haven't eaten yet."

I smile as I say "sure. I'd love that."

"Can you meet me at the grille in 30 minutes?" He asks.

"Sure. See ya later Tobes"

"See ya later"

We hang up, and immediately I feel my smile reach all the way to my ears. Wait... Is this a date, or just two friends hanging out? What should I wear?! I quickly look through my suit case and throw on an outfit that's casual, but it still looks nice. I start to head to the grille about 15-20 minutes later. It doesn't take long to get to the grille from this hotel, but I don't want to be late. I hate being late.

When I get there, I see Hanna paying for her meal, as she stands up to leave. I walk over to her, and as soon as she sees me, I can see a fearful look on her face. Why does everyone think I'm intimidating? I'm really not all that scary in my opinion...

"Um... Hey Spencer" she says with a gulp. Does she seriously think I'm mad at her after what she did? She rejected Caleb because she didn't want to be unfair to me. If that's not being a good friend, then I don't know what a good friend is.

"Hey Hanna. I just wanted to let you know that I heard you and Caleb talking the other day at the brew and-" before I continue, she cut me off.

"Spencer, I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me"

I start to chuckle as I look at Hanna and say "you really think I'm mad at you?". Hanna gives me a confused look and tilts her head slightly to the side.
"Han, I wanted to thank you."

"For what?" She asks.

"Are you kidding?"


Same old Hanna. I love her, but she's always so clueless. "You told Caleb that you wouldn't be with him because you didn't want to ruin our friendship" I say with a smile.

I see a look of relief come across Hanna's face, and then I see a smile. "You don't have to thank me. It's girl code. I know you would've done the same for me." She says. I feel a wave a guilt come over me. Would I have done the same thing? Everyone knows that I have a habit of "shopping out of other people's carts". I smile at her and open my mouth to respond, when I hear someone come up behind me.

"Spence?" It's Toby.

Perfect timing! I had no idea what to say to her, so I'm really relieved.

I look at Toby and say "hey."

"I'll go wait for a table while you guys finish talking" he says as he walks away. As soon as he's too far away to hear us, Hanna whispers "oh my god! Are you guys on a date?!"

"I-I don't know..." I say nervously while looking down. "I kinda hope we are...". My cheeks turn a shade of pink.

"OMG! YOU LIKE HIM!" Hanna says loudly. "And look! You're blushing!" She says a bit quieter.

"Hanna! Shhh!" I say whispering and yelling at the same time.

"Spencer has a crush!"

"Hanna shut up!"

"Do the others know?"

"Emily does, but I haven't told Aria yet."

"Ok. Well I better get going. I don't want to hold up your date" Hanna says childishly.

I roll my eyes and say "goodbye Hanna"

"Bye. Have fun" she says with a wink. She's so immature. She's still my best friend though.

I walk over to the table Toby is sitting at. I really hope that he didn't hear any of that... "Sorry I took so long... You know how much Hanna likes to talk..."

He chuckles and replies "it's fine, I get it. Sorry I interrupted."

"It's ok. So... how did getting your stuff from Yvonne's go?" I ask. Yvonne was the last person I wanted to talk about right now. But I couldn't think of anything else to ask him...

"Oh... Um... She tried to get me back but I said no...". I still felt really awful. If it weren't for me, they'd probably be happily discussing their wedding.

"I'm sorry" I mumble as I look down. "If it weren't for me, you'd probably be in a perfect, and happy relationship with her."

"Spence." He says as he puts his hand over mine. "What Yvonne and I had was the complete opposite of 'happy and perfect'. I'm serious. It wasn't your fault. Besides, I don't want to be with Yvonne... I want to be with you" he said the last 6 words so quietly that I could barely hear them. I look up at his beautiful, ocean colored eyes and smile.

"Did I hear you correctly?" I ask hopefully. He smiles at me and nods. "So... What does this mean for us?" I ask.

"Well... I was kinda hoping that you'd be my girlfriend..." He says.

My smiles grows very wide and I say "Well good... Because I was kinda hoping that you'd be my boyfriend"

We just stare and smile at each other, until the waiter comes to get our drink orders. I'm so glad to have him back.

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