New Morning: Chapter 7

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When I wake up again, I feel completely new, like none of the pain and dizziness ever existed. The words of the other 'protectors' echo in my mind. "We are the chosen, who will decide the world's survival or destruction."

Why am I one of the chosen? I've barely discovered my powers and they all look more powerful than I could ever be.

I sit up with ease and look around. Its daylight again, so I must have slept through the night. What day is it? I hope I haven't been out for a while. My room is surprisingly quiet, not even the window is open, it gives it an unsettling feeling. I get up and walk out of the room, the whole house is silent.

"This is creepy...It's like something out of a horror movie"

Walking down the stairs, everything is how it was when I left. Did my dad even come home? Maybe he did but is still at work, after all, I don't know what day it is. I stop when I hear some creaking behind me and I look around carefully. Suddenly someone jumps on top of me.


I'm so startled that I fall onto the couch, I quickly grab a pillow and smack the person behind me, which is Jacob.

"Jacob don't do that! You scared the crap out of me!"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry....Are you okay?"

"No, you scared me half to death!"

I can hardly breathe because he scared me so badly. As you can tell, I don't do well with being scared, and after waking up due to my 'collapse'. But my strength is back at least, the flame inside me is stronger than ever.

"I said I'm sorry!" 

I can tell that he is genuinely sorry, but I don't exactly joke around that easily. Especially  because of my past scares from Skip and Bella, from Halloween's in the past, and when going over to each others house.

"You better damn be sorry. Way to scare me after I passed out..." 

I see the apology written all over his face and I sigh. This is a great change from what happened, yesterday? Last night? I still don't know what day it is!

"Um...Jacob, why are you in my house? Don't you have a home?"

"Yes, but I was entrusted the task of helping you, plus your father knows me"

I look at him with a confused expression. How does my father know him? Even though my father does work as a lawyer. Maybe a case has been done with Jacob's family? That's somewhat unlikely, since I hear about every case that my father has been working on.

"Uh....okay then, now that I'm awake can you tell me what the hell happened? And also what day is it?"

"It's Saturday. You've been passed out for a day, but you'll need to be prepared for a long explanation..."

He was right, the explanation was very long.

(Olivia: I'm Saving you from a very boring explanation, your welcome).

Luckily he has great explanation skills, or else I would be completely lost, not like I'm not extremely confused in the first place. 

"Wait, so the more I use my powers without regaining energy I will pass out?"

"Yes, though it will become easier to store your energy as your power grows."

I don't know if I should tell Jacob about my dream, though he might give me some answers about it. Though I have no idea how I would even try and explain this since I don't understand it myself.

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