Diary From the Lair: Chapter 6

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October 21st. 2nd Entry

Life down in the lair is hard. With screams every second and being tortured, its hard to keep your sanity. I can see light at the end, but I don't how how much I trust that light. It could be a path to the torture chamber, they like to keep it bright so that you can see what they are doing.

They keep trying to get information out of me. Like I would tell them where the chosen are, they must be stupid. I have found one of the chosen here, of course, I didn't tell him who he is, but I'm guessing he already knows.

He is an emotional wreak, his mind is shattered, and he doesn't know what is reality or not. I hope I can escape here with him. We have been planning an escape, all that us left is putting it into action.

This is my second entry, I will speak to you soon.

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