Laxus laughed, "C'mon Natsu It'll be fine! Believe me, when it starts you go straight into auto pilot!  Don't worry about it!"

Natsu's face was bright red, "I-I guess but, only if Akiko is okay with it."

Levy squealed, "How exciting! Right?"

---End of Recap---

You could feel Sting's hands start to wander and that's when you came back to your senses and pushed Sting away. You sent him a spine-chilling glare and began to walk away. "Hey, wait! Akiko!" Sting called out to you as you began sprinting away. "Damn it... Damn it all!" Sting grumbles as he punched the wall you were just held against. The wall began to crumble with the huge imprint of his fist. Sting wanted to chase after you so bad but... He knew he messed up and came on way too strong. He glumly decided to walk in the opposite direction with his head down. He just tried to use you to take his thoughts away from Lector being held captive by Minerva. He just let his emotions get the better of him which he regretted. "I'm so sorry Akiko..." Sting mumbled as he walked back to his guild.

-P.O.V. to guild-

It was around 12:27 AM and you were still no where in sight and your teammates sat in their hotel room. "Where the hell is she?" Gray questioned.

Tora sighed, "I had a feeling this would happen..."

"What do you mean, Tora?" Erza asked.

Attention turned to the small cat as she began to explain, "Well, as you know, the dragons disappeared on July 7th, X777... Well that means that her dragon disappeared the day after her 6th birthday, she hates her birthday because it's just a reminder of another year without her Mother... In fact, it's the main reason I do whatever I can to make her day as special and happy as possible. She tries to spend the whole day alone and hide away which worries me, she tries to seem so strong and cold but she is really just as fragile as her magic... I'm not too worried, because she does this every year. She'll probably come back when she senses everyone is gone."

"So she's just gonna stay out the whole night?!" Natsu yelled.

Tora nodded and let out a small chuckle as she said, "Probably... She knows I'm just gonna smother her with love and birthday wishes."

"So you're saying we should just go to bed?" Happy asked.

Tora nodded again, "Akiko knows how to stay awake and aware with energy for days on end, she has trained herself to the extreme for longer than I've been alive!" The group just sighed and decided to take Tora's advice and just go to bed.

--Back to you--

You ran and ran until your lungs finally gave out and you had to stop and recover. You had ran the whole length of this city and had no idea where you even were. "Damn my endurance level..." you said to yourself. You found yourself at a park where you sat down at a bench. It was really late, probably even early morning. You looked around hoping to see the city clock tower in which you finally did. It was 3:42 AM... It was your birthday, July 6th... The last day of the GMG... The day before your mother disappeared... You sighed knowing you would get bombarded with questions if you went back to the room now so you decided to wait it out until you knew they would be out of the inn room. You looked up to the sky, Mother... Where are you now? If you could see me, would you see me as the warrior you hoped that I would be? Would you be disappointed with me if your could see this problem with Natsu and Sting? What am I supposed to do?

Your thoughts drifter and before you knew it, it was 6:08. You stood up and sighed, I should find my way back now... It wasn't long till you found the way back. It was 6:38 by the time you got back to the inn. You walked up to your inn room and listened in to see anyone was still in the room. You were relieved when you didn't hear a sound. You walked in and got ready for the day, you showered and got dressed, before heading to find your guild mates. You hoped to Kami that Tora didn't tell them about your birthday. You began to question why everyone was up and out of the room already though, they usually get up at around 7. Tora... She must have told them to be out of the room by a certain time for you to come back to a peaceful and empty room... You truly did love that cat.

You finished getting ready and stepped out of the room. You knew that you would have to find your guild with your sense of smell. So you headed out and did just that.

Author's Note: Hello!!! Sorry for not updating these last 2 weeks and I'm sorry again for this short chapter. But the reason I didn't update was because... I WENT TO WARPED TOUR FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER AND OMG IT WAS AMAZING!!!! I got to do a bunch of stuff including going to a small Q and A with the lead singer and lead guitarist of Sleeping with Sirens and djdnvc;ioadsufmq304wiut0f okay?! That's how I feel but yeah I was in tears and so happy and yeah... I had to update now and quickly because my parents are having a graduation party for my brother this weekend and I have to do a bunch of shit and help out all weekend so here you go! Anyway, VOTE/COMMENT/ ADD TO LIBRARY FOR MY UPDATES!!!! AND I HAVE ONLY GOTTEN ONE COMMENT ABOUT THE LEMON/SMUT THING SO PLEASE COMMENT!!!! Peace out girl scout!


Can a crystal be broken? (a Fairy Tail Natsu x oc x Sting story) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now