At thirteen, Hannah didn't know what being a maid of honor entailed. In the craze of the holidays, Amy was already trying on dresses in the local bridal shops, Hannah and Ma in tow. Hannah thought her sister an angel in all white and couldn't deny her beauty, but every bit of wedding planning reminded her that time with Amy was drawing to a close.

The sort of Christmas Hannah remembered from years past was lost in wedding plans, and when the New Year came and went, and school resumed, Hannah's spirits weren't high.

In February, Hannah and Louisa were walking to typing class together during the period change, books clutched to their chests.

"I've noticed something different about you, Hannah. Ever since you said your sister was getting married, you've been green with envy. The desire to do something reckless is bubbling in you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hannah denied. "Can we please talk about something else?"

"Like how dull this place is? Even Jimmy Martin won't look at me-"

Hannah rolled her eyes.

Louisa laughed, tossing her braid over her shoulder. "Don't tell me a little excitement around here wouldn't help liven things up a bit, like, I don't know, a fire," she said, nodding toward the fire alarm. "C'mon, Hannah. You've been such a good girl for years. It'll be fun, exciting. No one would even suspect you."

"You're bananas," Hannah replied, retreating with haste. When Louisa caught up with her, Hannah added, "I'm no daredevil. If you want some fun, you do it."

"It would be more entertaining if someone like you, someone who always gets good grades and never detention, were to do something naughty."

"Be quiet," Hannah hissed as they entered their classroom and took seats behind typewriters.

The teacher entered and began instructing them. The new semester had begun a couple of weeks ago, and typing was one of Hannah's new classes. While most of the students struggled with learning the keyboard, Hannah's fingers glided over the letters naturally. She thought it was second nature to her because of playing the piano for so many years. With little practice, she was already ahead of most of the class with her speed and dexterity.

"See?" Louisa whispered halfway through class. "You're great at typing, just like everything else."

"I'm not great at everything."

Louisa dismissed Hannah's statement with a wave and quickly began typing when the teacher walked by.

As class continued, Hannah grew bored. She had already mastered typing "asdfjkl;" many times over, to the point that the letters could have been glued to her fingers. Her mind drifted to Louisa's dare. She couldn't believe she was even entertaining the idea, but if she didn't get caught, what harm could come from an unannounced fire drill?

It happened to be Valentine's Day and the first mild day outside. Hannah was in a bitter mood, as the holiday had meant Amy going on a date with Jack and several of her friends receiving Valentines from boys at school, asking them to the school dance. Ma had tried suggesting several times that she attend, but Hannah had come up with a hundred different excuses.

If she was honest with herself, she would've liked to have received a Valentine from a boy, if only to fit in with what felt like everyone else. Recalling how the twins had looked at her at Thanksgiving, Hannah's heart fluttered. The attention from the boys hadn't been entirely unwelcome, but neither had she known how to take it.

Right after lunch, the students were on their way to class. Hannah considered asking to use the bathroom, but knew that would only make it more likely she was a suspect. She held back, deliberately walking slowly to English class. The corridors were thinning out as students entered classrooms. The fewer eyes around, the better her chances of not being seen. The fire alarm was five feet away, the door to her classroom within walking distance to be on time. She paused a moment, second-guessing herself, afraid someone would see. No one was in the immediate vicinity, however, so swallowing her reservations, she edged toward the alarm and surreptitiously pulled the lever. The alarm began to blare, and Hannah was careful to walk at a regular pace to class.

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