"Never said you were." Zayn mumbled, eyeing the blonde up and down before getting on his bike and starting it up. 

"I don't know what I am." The blonde sighed, getting on and putting his arms around Zayn's waist. He huffed out, leaning his head on the Pakistani's back like he had always been doing and smiled at the familiar smell. Zayn always  had this distinct smell of mint and smoke and Niall loved it. He wondered what it would be like to actually date Zayn Malik, without this fake dating business but then a part of him would always scold him for having these weird fantasies. 

"You're a boy and whoever you love, their gender doesn't matter as long as you like them and they respect you. Stop thinking so hard over these things. Your family might act hard headed but they'll understand and if it makes you feel any better, I'll even go up to them and lie." Zayn started the bike, and Niall kept his eyes closed, allowing himself to feel the wind rushing against his face. His mind focused on the older man's words and maybe it was true, the world was obsessed with labels but Niall didn't have to be one of those people. The only problem was that, he could control his thoughts, he could understand whatever Zayn was saying but would his parents? Before he could even come up with an answer, they had reached the main school building and the blonde frowned, wondering how the ten minutes went by so quickly. 

He got up from the bike, shook the helmet off his head and gave it to Zayn, and without waiting for any response, the small blonde turned towards the school building and started walking down the entrance. Niall was just about to open the entrance door when a loud voice that he had grown so accustomed to listening, called out.

"Hey kitten." The blonde snapped his head in the direction of the familiar voice, glaring like crazy at Zayn's figure still siting on the bike. He was well aware that everyone outside the main entrance was staring at them, probably wondering what they were going to do and it just made Niall blush. He hated being put on display like this but his eyes just focused on the cheeky smile that Zayn had on his face. 

"Go out on a date with me?" A few girls ahead of Niall gasped, giggling quietly to themselves before turning around to stare at the blonde Irish boy, waiting for him to respond. Niall was tempted to walk there and smash Zayn's face in but he knew it was too pretty to be broken and plus, a part of him was loving it. He was enjoying the way Zayn's hazel eyes were staring at him, waiting in anticipation for his reply. Niall groaned, shaking his head before turning around. 

"Come on kitten. Don't be like that." Zayn called out, getting a few females to giggle when he hopped off the bike and ran towards Niall. "I promise it'll be fun." Niall rolled his eyes, giving into temptation.

"Fine. After school. You get two hours to impress me." The blonde smirked, getting on tiptoes to peck the older boy's stubbled jaw before turning around and walking inside the school doors with a very prominent blush on his cheeks. 


"You have got to be kidding me!" The blonde yelled, shaking his head as he stared at the scene in front of his eyes. When he had said yes to the date, he was expecting to go to the movie halls or go roller skating but a picnic in such a bright afternoon was really not on his list. 

"It was on the TOP 10 dates." Zayn shrugged, grabbing the blonde by the waist and moving him forward. He had done a bit of research apart from smoking at least three cigarettes while doing so. His friends weren't the most supportive of these things and really, they didn't even get why he was with Niall. It wasn't as if Zayn cared about their opinions, he really didn't care what anyone thought of him apart from his parents and maybe a certain beautiful Irishman but that's as far as his thoughts could go. He simply didn't give a fuck whether his teachers and classmates liked him or not.

World's  Worst Boyfriend |z.h.|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon