Chapter Three

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My last class is finally over and I decide to meet up with Taylor and Abby. I head over to Taylor's Locker and notice that her new locker neighbour is Elijah or Eli, I couldn't care less. I ignore him and head straight to Abby and Taylor.
"Hey hey hey", I cheerfully say to them.
"You would not believe what happened, my biology teacher already put us with our lab partner and I got Nicole", Taylor complained.
"Good luck dissecting a pig with her, she'll probably be on strike shouting her vegan chants", Abby laughed to herself.
"Guys calm down I mean she's not that bad" I tell them.
"Jo, how was fitness class? Have you started regretting that you took it" Abby presses.
"I mean it's fine, I just hate the running and that the shorts are so short. I feel like everyone can see my butt" I exclaim. I heard a slight chuckle coming from Elijah, but I choose to ignore it.
"Don't even get me started on my religion class" I begin as I notice Eli glancing over at me. "We are starting with the most uncomfortable topic ever"
"What is it" Taylor pressures.
"It's about S-E-X" I spell for her. Elijah once again laughs and I have already had enough of this kid.
"Eavesdropping now are we" I call him out on it.
"No", he replies while shutting his locker. As he began to walk away he turned back around to me. "And don't worry about your gym shorts, with that flat ass you won't even be close enough to dreaming about S-E-X."
"Oh my gosh, what a savage" Taylor says half shocked and half snorting.
"He's too mainstream to worry about Jo, just leave him alone" Abby tries to comfort me as Taylor tries to hold in her laughter.
All I could think about was how much of an asshat he was. I am not looking forward for religion tomorrow.


The girls and I head for a celebratory pizza to congratulate each other on not dying on the first day of school. We arrive at Sebastian's pizzeria/restaurant and order a large meat eaters pizza, with extra meat of course. As our greasy order finally arrives to the table, our bitch instincts begin to click. We all groan together in perfect timing as Nicole and her annoying friends walk in. She makes her way to the booth beside ours and following her are Britney, Gemma and Lilly.
They are a pack of angry vegans who love to publicly harass people. I watch Sebastian, the owner, greet them and bring them their pizzas. They didn't even have to order, everyone apart of the kitchen staff knows their vegan orders like their lives depended on it. I mean their jobs did because Nicole threatened that her dad, a very powerful Lawyer, would sue them for not having vegan options. She is a bitch to everyone, but at least she's nice to animals.
"You have got to be kidding me" Nicole practically yelled at us.
"What is your issue" Abby asks her.
"Do you know that the cow on your pizza was probably a mother and that all she wanted to do was live and be happy. Animals have feelings too"
"To bad they aren't alive to feel this" Abby says as she shoves a handful of meat she grabbed from the pizza into her mouth.
"Your consumption of the animals isn't a valid reason for their death, Abby you are a waste of space"
"Well you know what Nicole, you are the cum shot your mom should have swallowed. Your dads meat should have been in her mouth so you never had to be born."
"My mom is a vegan, she would never eat meat."
"Uhm Nicole", Britney whispered to her "I think she meant your dads penis." Nicole began to choke as She and her squad sat back down again. We decide to pack up the pizza and finish it at my place with a movie because we did not want to deal with her anymore.

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