2. Challenge Accepted

Start from the beginning

I roll my eyes. "Mind your fucking business. I ain't whipped." But it makes him laugh even harder.

I scratch my head. For some reason, I can't get the image of the girl I met at the party out of my head. Something about her amused me. Maybe it's the way she pretended she wasn't interested in me or the fact that she didn't look bothered when she was stuffing her face. Either way, she kept drifting in my thoughts when I don't want her to.

I down the last of my now cold coffee and place it in the dishwasher.

"I gotta go meet Jane," I say over his teasing.

"I'd tag along but your tongue is gonna be down her throat the whole time so I'll pass."

"Good. Cuz no one fucking invited your ass," I retort.

"You're just mad cuz you're pussy-whipped," He sneers before heading out the door. I throw the couch pillow at him but it hits the closed door instead. I quickly get dressed and by the time I'm ready, Zach's car is out of the driveway. I get in mine and head to Jane's.

Jane somehow convinced me to pick her up to take her to the mall. And by convincing, she practically begged me and wouldn't leave my house until I agreed. I also knew if I refused, she'd stop coming over for weeks and finding someone else to come over seemed like drama. The girl's crazy and she would pull out my teeth if she catches me with another chick. And we're not even dating.

After walking a few steps into the mall, Jane's eyes practically glow from all the shit she can buy.

Oh hell no.

"I have an appointment. I'll pick you up after you're done." No way was getting in bed with her worth three hours of her dragging me around and asking "if it looks good." With a body like hers, she looks good in anything but that never stops her from being too picky over what she gets.

"Since when do you book doctor appointments?" She says in that headache-inducing high pitched voice she uses when she's annoyed.

"Since when do you care? I'll pick you up. Call me." I don't wait for her answer before I walk out of the door. I'm disappointed to feel the hot air after having three seconds of air conditioning. Still isn't worth three hours, though.

I was contemplating if I should call Zach and ask him to bring our friends to smoke somewhere when I see three girls walking towards my direction. I'm about to compliment on their looks when I freeze involuntarily.

I'm pretty sure one of the girls is the same damn girl I can't stop thinking about.

Her eyes are hidden behind glasses and paired with a cap but I can tell when her gaze falls on me.

I notice how awkward I must look and begin walking, pretending not to notice her. When she's about to pass me, I finally look at her.

"Have we met?" I ask her, crossing my fingers behind my back in hopes that Jane isn't watching.

She purses her lips in amusement. "Masquerade. Derek, is it?" She cocks her head at me. Considering that she just got a whole two sentences out, I decide Jane isn't watching and have found something to distract her from my obvious lie.

I give her a smirk. "Come on. You can do better than that," I say in my low voice that have girls quaking in their knees. I ignore her friends, who are practically gasping.

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