"So, my parents wanna meet you." The tone was casual, almost like he was talking about the weather. I stared at him for a solid minute until he looked at me properly.


"Charlia, I'm adopting you. I'm pretty sure they wanna meet the kid who's going to basically change my life." I blushed at the comment before shrugging.


"How're you enjoying your gifts by the way?" He grinned cheekily at me and I glared at him.

He had decided that for every exam that I finished, he would get me a reward. Now me thinking that it would be something like money, foolishly accepted.

But it wasn't money. The first three gifts were crazy. He'd gotten me an entire new wardrobe. Half of it was at the home and half of it was here. He paid for my prom dress and all accessories without me asking. And to top it off, he paid for a weekend trip to Disneyland Paris from me and two others.

I felt so spoiled but it made me smile.

"Are we going to have dinner at your parents house?" I questioned, steering the conversation clear of the gifts he'd gotten me.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I can check, but I think we are." I nodded my head before looking around once more.

"Hey, where are Sebastian and Peyton?" I noticed that it was too quiet and no dogs had come to greet us.

"I asked my parents to look after them because I didn't want them to become too overwhelmed seeing as by summer, you're gonna be a permenant resident here." He grinned cheekily and I rolled my eyes at him before he grabbed his car keys. "Right, lets get this show on the road." I followed suit and followed him out to the car.

The ride was silent, the radio breaking the silence that had formed. About twenty minutes into the journey, their song came on and I glanced at Alex.

"What's it like to hear your stuff played on the radio?" At this, he shrugged.

"It's weird. Like, hearing myself back it's kinda just something which I don't really expect."

The silence continued once more. It was deafening, but I was comfortable with it.

When we arrived at his parents, the dogs were set loose and attacked him instantly. I stayed a few paces behind, unsure on what to do before Alex beckoned to me and started walking towards the house.

I followed him, my eyes firmly on his back as we entered.

I then took a deep breath and allowed myself to look around.

"Alex dear!" A female, British voice called out. Familiarity.

"Hey mom." The exchanged hugs and his dad followed after his mum. I felt myself go all shy when she finally spotted me and grinned.

"So you're Charlia, I take it?" Gulping, I nodded my head, unable to find my voice.

"She's a quiet one, Alex. You said she normally doesn't stop talking." I felt my cheeks go red as I glared at Alex who chuckled nervously.

"Ah well, I think she's just nervous about meeting you guys."

"Don't worry pet, we don't bite. I'm Isabelle and this is my husband Peter." She motioned to his dad and I nodded, giving them a timid smile in return just as Alex slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go get comfy. That way she'll calm down a bit more, perhaps?" Alex suggested, giving me a look and I nodded.

"Calm down kiddo, I can see your knuckles turning white." He murmured, taking my hand and smoothing it out. I noticed that the skin had indeed turned white and my nails had been digging into the palms of my skin.

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