Prologue: Meeting Me

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Alli's POV

Hey. My name's Alli. I have long dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I don't really consider myself a natural beauty. I wear jeans, sneakers, and a comfy shirt almost everyday. I definitely am not into sports. I couldn't be good at anything athletic to save my life.

I'm half way through my junior year of high school. A great plus for this year is that I'm the smartest girl in the school. Straight As on every report card. I guess you could consider me a nerd. I don't care. But that also means that I'm the person that the teachers rely on to tutor the not so smart kids.

This year, they are making me tutor Nathan. Nathan is the most popular, most annoying, stupidest guy in the school. I can't stand him. Nathan is an egotistic guy who can't do anything without help. I see him looking at me sometimes during lunch. I always find it weird and I roll my eyes. Why the teachers made him my problem? I have no clue. My friends make it worse by saying that we would make a cute couple.

I'm dreading my first tutoring session with Nathan.


Nathan's POV

What's up? My name's Nathan. I've got short blond hair and bright blue eyes. A bunch of girls apparently have major crushes on me but I'm not interested in them whatsoever. I'm involved in any sport that I can be in. Because of that, I wear some kind of jersey to school almost everyday.

My grades are pretty much low Cs. A high C is rare for me. I couldn't solve a math problem to save my life. I've relied on my friends since 4th grade. Somehow my parents never find out and I'm still allowed to play my sports.

This year is the first year that I got signed up for tutoring. My teacher told me that my tutor would be Alli, the smartest girl in school. Maybe she can get me to learn something. The problem is that during the tutoring session, I won't focus on learning as much as I will be focused on her. I've crushed on her since 7th grade. I watch her during lunch out of the corner of my eye. She's usually studying or reading. The few times that she meets my eye, Alli just rolls her eyes and resumes what she was doing. THANK YOU TEACHERS!

I'm looking forward to my first tutoring session with Alli.

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