Revenge Again

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"So, you had an idea, I presume?" Hermione looks at me, trying to hide an eager smile behind a composed face.
"Yeah...," I trail off, leaning against a dusty and musty bookshelf. Something about this entire thing feels wrong.
It's a struggle to get my next words out. "Do you remember...remember when...when I did what I did? When I...gave Ron Amortentia? And used Obliviate on Lily? I think we that again. Somehow." I brace myself for her next words.
"Great idea! We should totally do that," she stage whispers.
"Seriously?" I had entirely expected my idea to be ruthlessly shot down.
"Of course! No idea is a bad idea," she whispers back.
Something about what she just said seems off, like it's not Hermione talking. She wouldn't accept an idea so crazy so easily without a counterattack.
"Wait a minute...," I trail off, putting on my suspicious face.
"Moving on," she blurts. "So how do you think we should go about reenacting that scene? Will we need supplies? Practice doing spells? What do you think?" Leaving my previous allegations behind, I uncharacteristically jump right in.
"Well, I didn't really think this through that far. I guess we need to sneak in and make the potion, and we should practice the spell..." Staring at Hermione, I wait for her to pick up where I left off.
"Of course. So," she continues.
Before I know it, it's one in the morning  and we've just figured everything out.
"Hermione *yawn* I think we should go catch some sleep," I mumble, slumping against the bookshelf.
"Yeah," she yawns, her eyes dropping dangerously.
"Well, I better get going. See ya," I softly call as I leave the library.
Once I make my way up to Ravenclaw tower and into my room, I collapse on my bed, not even bothering to change.
I hope I made the right decision...

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