Potions Closet

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Squatting on the floor of the quaint potions closet, covered in my invisibility cloak, I wait for Ron. The piece of parchment I handed him not so long ago said this:
Meet me in the potions closet at 6:00 pm, the first day we go to Hogsmeade. No later. I hope to see you then.
I feel like an idiot looking at my watch that reads 6:07. If he's not here by 6:10, I'm leaving.
Maybe I should wait longer. He gave me a chance, the least I could do is give him one.
As my watch ticks to 6:10, Ron bursts in, panting. He must have worked hard to catch me. I smile to myself as he closes the door, searching for a sign of me.
Silently, I search for his hand. He helps me up, and as I stand, I hang my invisibility cloak on the door. We not so awkwardly stand apart.
"Tell me everything." He stares at me, waiting. So I do. I start from the very beginning. I tell him why I was born, my connection with my father, getting the school's letter, receiving my own invisibility cloak as a congratulations present, my being in the train, to why I was with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. I study his face for any signs of a reaction.
"You're nothing like either of your parents, yet you're clearly both of them. No offense." He catches himself, but doesn't change what he said. I've always wondered. At least he's a Gryffindor.
" I think I might mean thank you. But I do have to know this. Why would you take a chance on me? I was almost a Slytherin, I was with Draco, my dad's Snape, Harry and Hermione hate me... so what from your point makes me worth it?" I tick off on my fingers.
"You are so mysterious and different, yet curious at the same time. You made me hunt up here," he motions to his head" and out here." he gestures to the space around us" It doesn't hurt that the first part I became intrigued about was your beauty. And on the train when I heard a little snore and figured out someone was right beside me, it made me wonder about the type of person that they were. It takes a lot to make me want to think." Ron adds, showing off a lopsided grin. "Sorry about Snape." I think he means it in all the different ways, about him being my dad and our connection.
"I don't really like to talk about it. It's a bit of a sore subject." I cast my eyes aside and rub my arm.
" Let me make it up to you. This isn't my main point, but I have to know if I kiss as good as you do." He leans down and does it. I feel like I'm soaring, flying!
I know he's in Gryffindor for a reason, but now he's finally acting like one.
I lasso my hands around his neck, never wanting to let go. Everything melts away, I'm in my, our, own little beautiful universe. That universe is our special little place. We don't have to talk, just exist and be and do. No father/family problems, no gigantic barriers overcome by the likes of trust, just me and him, forever maybe.
We're pressed together, impenetrable. One of his hands squeezes my waist and the other plays with the ends of my hair. Time doesn't exist when we do. His lips are soft and not very much used. They're cool to the touch yet warm fitted like a puzzle piece to mine. A perfect, star/crossed ending to a wasted beginning.
His chest rises and falls against mine, giving me the courage to tentatively lay my hand in and on his red, matching locks. Without thinking and fully aware, I plunge my hand in, just like back on the train. It's all going back to the train, that one moment of many. I absorb the thought for later and get lost in us further, giving him my all because he's mine.
The door starts to creak open, and for all I care it could be my dad, which only makes me kiss harder. Nothing can get in the way of my teenage, fogged but on the inside crystal, love story.
"Why hello, young people." Professor Slughorn, quickly realizing he walked in on us, gives the surrender signal, raised hands, and shuts the door and backs out. As he speed walks away, I hear him announce, "Now where did I leave my memory wipe potion?" I giggle in spite of myself, unwilling to break apart completely, holding onto my strands of hope made rope untied and united.
"I don't care."
"I don't care either. The whole world should know you're my girlfriend. Can't you see it? In bright lights, the words, Ron's Girlfriend...  Wait, I don't even know your name."
" We like each other too much to focus on other things, like introductions. Ari, Ari Megan Snape, but you probably already know the last part." His mouth grins at the sound of my name, mouthing it against mine.
"My mom will like that introduction."
"I like it too, but I'll love it when it's Weasley." I don't give him the chance to think about it, but letting him know it will happen one day as I pull him back under the trance.
Ten minutes later...
We've both leaned one shoulder on the wall, our heads bent together and our hands clasped. I glance at my watch to see that it's 7:27.
"We should probably go." I speak softly, gently.
"Okay," he gives in"just to let you know, I'm shouting to the entire common room that I have a girlfriend when I get back."
"Alright, but don't go into too much detail, they'll probably get disgusted." I laugh. "You go now, and I'll come out five minutes after you, so nothing looks suspicious." I give him a lingering kiss then shoo him out the door. When the five minutes are up, leaving me to replay what happened, I stride out, hoping to appear nonchalant but unapproachable.
But before I make it halfway out, I'm faced with the unforgiving eyes of Hermione Granger.
Before I can get my apology off my lips, she spins around and speeds off.
Walking back to Ravenclaw tower, I go from feeling elated to guilty.

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