Quicky author note

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You know by know that not most of my pieces are short, so I'll try to make it *sweet and simple*.Thanks so much for reading and staying by my side as I work on this! I'm getting a little help, shout out to Meowmeowrighter, but, going with that topic, we're doing a sort of series through some of the years and forever along the line after that, so if you want to, I would recommend reading Once Upon A Hippogriff. It's a sort of combination of the fourth and fifth year revolving around a girl named Lilliy May Jaxx, but Meowmeowrighter can tell you all about it. It's totally optional. The series from her side is Ari's old best friend's point of view and vice versa. My friend walrus657 is doing her own pretty much separate series including Ari and Lily, from a girl named Cathy Ann's POV/ it's about her. Recommend checking out that one too, it's really new, as of yesterday. Anywhoooo, I just wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate each and every one of your support, no matter how big or how small. If you have any ideas, tell me and I'll try to see if I can/ they'll work. I'd totally appreciate your follow if you wanted to but I'm not one of those follower crazy people, I'm just happy to share my fan fiction with you!
Until then,

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