I absolutely adored it.

Unfortunately, it is just one of those things that you just have to let go of though but he will always be my best-friend and I have to accept it as that. It's nice that I have a mate and even though we haven't actually meet face to face, I can feel it within me that we are mates and meant to be.

I hope Ethan finds his mate soon and I hope that his mate takes care of him and love him just as much as everyone else around him. Not all mates have a fairy tale story book life, you do have some mates that abuse their mates because they know they love them and will never leave them. Sadly those sick and twisted bastard exist in our world and even in the human world too because they do have mates too maybe not as binding as our mate pairings, they can live with out each other.

The bell for school had finally rung just as our teacher was giving out our assignments, to which many groaned with displeasure including myself.

After collecting it and leaving out the classroom and I went o my locker to take out some books while I waited for Ethan to meet me there so we could head home.

I was planning on calling Zayne tonight, since I hadn't heard his voice in a while.

"Hey Z, ready to go?" Ethan asked almost making me hit my head on my locker door.

"Yeah" I replied slamming the locker door shut before we started walking off.

"So, I know since the whole us almost causing chaos thing we haven't really hung out" Ethan started to say. Images from the last time we actually hung out ran through my brain, making me shiver.

Ethan noticed but didn't say anything about it and just continued "I was wondering if we could hang out this weekend or I could help you with your assignment tonight at your house."

I though about it for a moment, there could be no harm in that and my house wouldn't be better since my mom will be running around, with all the preparation for next week.

"Sure, no problem, it's better we go to your house though, my mom is too menstrual right now with all the preparation so there is no peace and quiet." I replied to which is breathed in relief like he was waiting for the worst.

I could never say no to him, he was my best friend after all.

"Awesome, for a moment there I thought you were going to decline" He joked throwing his arm around my shoulder as we walk out the door and down the steps.

We decided to hang out over the weekend, since it would have been longer and I know my mom would be at here worst asking for help since we wouldn't have school as an excuse to leave the house.

I got home and had a bath and made myself a sandwich since dinner wasn't going be ready yet. I didn't bother doing my assignment since it wasn't due until the next two weeks so I had time and I could do it when I was at Ethan's anyways.

I decided to call my mate to find out if he was going to be here for the funeral of our Luna.

I sat on the edge of my bed, picking up my phone in the process while I unlocked it and searched for his number, hoping that he was free.

I took a deep breath while my fingers hovered over his contact before deciding to press it and selected dial.

I placed it to my ear and listened to it ring. 

It rung three times before I got an answer.

"Hi, there handsome" His voice said through the phone giving me goosebumps instantly.

"Hi, yourself" I replied smiling from ear to ear.

"How is it going?" He asked as I fixed my self on the bed.

"I'm fine actually, just got home and made myself something to eat." I replied picking up the sandwich and taking a bite.

"Cool, I just got in myself and was going to take a shower."

"Hmmm wish I could join you" I thought only to hear him chuckle. " I just said that out loud didn't I?".

"Yeah, you did" He responded. "You  will eventually once I get to move back to the pack".

"Speaking of pack," I said almost forgetting the reason for the call to begin with. "Are you going to be attending the Luna's funeral?"

"Yea, I will actually, my cousin should be out of school and I'm sure he would want to go to the funeral as well, so I will finally get to see you again after all these years". He replied sounding excited which was intern making me excited.

"Gosh, I can't wait to see you" I said my skin getting goosebumps. It seems I always tend to get goosebumps whenever I talk to him.

"So how is everything over there seeing as the Alpha is coming in on Monday?"He asked taking me out of my dreamy state.

"Ughh, It's utter chaos"  I said complaining "My mom is up the walls with all this painting and redecorating and getting things together, its literally killing me"

He laughed out loud making my hears dance to the sound of his voice.

"Don't die on me just yet, I haven't gotten to see you yet" He said, still laughing at my pain.

"Pssh I didn't mean it literally" I responded huffing in the process, which only seemed to make him laugh harder.

"You literally just said it was literally killing you" He said calling me out.

"Whatever" I replied brushing him off.

"Well, I am going to take a shower and then  go to a pack meeting so I will call you later tonight,if your not asleep by then."

"Sure no problem, I'm going to get some sleep before my mom comes back and start raising hell on earth again" I replied as I plopped myself back on the bed.

"Cool, so talk TO you later then ok babe" He responded making my heart flutter.

"Yeah, later" I said before he bid my a good rest and we hung up.

I rolled over on the bed trying to get comfortable, my life was getting better and better everyday, I have a mate and a best friend that I love and I couldn't ask for anything better.

I feel asleep sometime after that and only woke up when my brother came in and told me that dinner was ready.


That night I had the strangest dream, I was in wolf form sitting at the edge of a massive lake. 

The water was sparkling  and glowing like gems or stars, it was a magnificent sight to behold but I wasn't alone sitting beside me was another wolf that had fur a weird grey,silver mixed with purple color. Its eyes were a piercing pink, purple color that I had never seem before. 

I have never seen a wolf with that color fur or eyes. It was like looking at something other worldly. It was unique and breathtaking in one breath but I felt so at home, so comfortable, so loved, so wanted,so special.

It felt like I was there for ages just sitting and snuggling into the side of the mysterious wolf, neither of us speaking, just lying there looking out on to the lake, listening to the sounds of the night around us and enjoying each others presence.

I woke up the next day feeling as though I was on a cloud higher than nine and I most certainly didn't want to come down.

I felt as if all my stars had aligned and that my world was spinning on the right axis and that something great was about to happen in my life and I couldn't wait to see what it was.

<<I know pretty short but next chapter will be even longer and plenty of new faces............. Thanks for sticking with me. love Ali <3 >>

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