Narcopath Defeated

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Dealing with a

Narcissistic Psychopath

Has been a

Dark Path

Into a

Hellish Nightmare

Where a

Nefarious Game

Was played unbeknownst to me

I unwittingly, naively and foolishly
Allowed another human being to
Drag me into a world where I was
Forced to acquiesce so many of my Ideas and values to appease an
Evil starving creature who can never be Filled no matter who is snared into his
Insanely terrifying arena of abuse

Despite many red-flags and my instinct Sending me constant alerts of danger
I stayed because I thought I could help
No matter how much I tried to
Bring light and love and kindness and
Acceptance and forgiveness and Compassion and empathy and peace
Into the relationship I was laughed at
Mocked and told that he would never

Bow Down

However, I started researching and Learning about this disordered person
And I armed myself with knowledge
Gained from others who have
Dealt with this kind of cruel abuser
People who saw the light and
Successfully walked away or
More aptly described as going

No Contact

The choice to sever all ties and go
Completely radio silent with the
Intention for survival of myself
Not to punish the Narcopath

But to

Choose Myself

Instead of staying in a place of
Extreme negativity that will
Unfortunately march on into
Eternity for the disordered individual 
Who believes he has no need to change

So in the end I walk out of the maze of
Extreme negativity with my dignity
And a new-found strength to be aware Of the personal red-flags that I will
Listen to when someone crosses
My boundary of where I feel safe
And loved and supported like all
People deserve to be treated.

If you are seeking support and looking to gain knowledge, please consider visiting:

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