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I feel stuck
Like I'm caught in an endless loop
Of an dream that has no resolution

I'm trying to wake myself up
Looking for a tiny glimmer of hope
That will be my saving grace

The light that will illuminate the
Path that will bring me to a new place
Where I will not be confused about
What I'm supposed to do to break free

Because something isn't right
This isn't how I'm supposed to
be feeling at this point in my life

Paralyzed with fear
And stress holding me back
Physical pain that ties me to a bed
Emotional strife burdening my
Thoughts and limiting my choices

I search for meaning
As the fog swirls inside my head
And the confusion clouds my vision
Looking for a way to move forward

Inner UglinessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin