Untitled Part 28

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The time waiting for the paramedics to arrive seemed to last for an eternity. Alissa was still unconscious and showed no signs of waking anytime soon. Once the paramedics finally arrived, they loaded Alissa into the ambulance quickly. Seto went to climb into the ambulance behind her but was stopped by one of the three EMTs.

"I'm sorry Sir but I can't let you get in." He tossed a glare at the EMT, his lip curling with an unfriendly growl.

"Why not?"

"She looks very ill. I'm sorry Sir but we can't have any distractions." Seto opened his mouth to protest but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His glare shifted to Roland who now stood behind him, clasping his shoulder.

"Allow me to take you to the hospital Sir." Seto tossed a final glance at the ambulance that now held Alissa. He knew that resistance would only prolong the stay of the ambulance and right now that was something that Alissa couldn't deal with. She needed help now.


Seto rushed into the hospital with Roland close behind him. He came to a stop in front of the receptionist's desk.

"Alissa Todd. What room is she in?" The receptionist held up a thin finger and began typing on her keyboard.

"She's currently in ICU. Y-." She stopped when she saw Seto running down the hall. "Sir you can't go in there! She isn't ready for any visitors!" Seto ignored the receptionist and continued down the hall. He followed the directions on the walls down the hall until he reached the correct room.

"Master Kaiba!" Roland's voice made Seto stop. He turned over his shoulder with a frown.

"Stay out here Roland."

"Master Kaiba you should remain here."

"No. I need to see her."

"Seeing her now won't do you any good. We have to let the doctors do their job." Maybe Roland is right. I need to let the doctors do their job. But so help me; if they screw up they'll lose more than just their jobs. I'll make sure of it. He didn't say anything to Roland in response. He just brushed past him and took a seat in one of the chairs outside the room.

"She'll be okay Sir."

"Hmph. She better be." Seto rested his elbows on the armrests and linked his fingers in front of his mouth as his mind wandered. She had to make it through this. She was a challenge; in fact that was one of the things he loved most about her. He admired her strength and her determination. She never backed down from anything; he just hoped that this time wouldn't be any different.


"What are you doing?" Alissa looked up from her guitar and smirked.

"Playing guitar. I thought that much was obvious. Sit." She moved over and tapped the empty space on her bed. Seto sat next to her as she continued to pluck at the strings.

"How long have you been playing?" She stopped playing and placed a finger to her chin in thought.

"Since I was about seven I think. I could teach you if you want." Before he could come up with a response, she had removed the guitar from around her shoulder and held it out to him. He took the guitar from her grasp and put on the shoulder strap.

"Okay so you just place your fingers on the frets like this." She held onto his hands and guided his slim fingers to the neck of the guitar. She positioned his fingers on the right frets, leaving her fingers hovering over his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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