4-Russian Sushi Is Best Sushi

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Aw yeah, another chapter! Hope you like uvu! But before you start reading why don't you go ahead and hit that star, so you don't forget to do it later~ QwQ


Junketsu glance around the sushi bar, pleased by it's quiet and pleasant atmosphere. He and Hana had seated themselves in a small wooden both in the farthest corner of the restaurant. Though there were hardly any other customers, the only ones who were around were an elderly couple close to the counter.

"So what do you think Inka?" Hana sighed happily as she took in the aroma. Her finicky boss had to agree it was fairly nice for such a small shop.

"Well I can't complain, the menu has some strange dishes, but nothing looks bad." He commented idly as he did a quick scan through his menu, placing it back down once he decided.

"Heh, can't you ever just admit I'm right?" Hana huffed, placing her own menu beside his, signaling they were ready to order.

"Urusai dobe." He muttered  lowly as he saw a staff member approach the table.

"Welcome to Russia Sushi! What can I get for you today?" The man asks in a hearty tone.

"Tuna Nigiri with extra wasabi is fine by me." Junketsu said with a small smile.

"Ah, inari with a side of rice for me please!" Hana cheered, the man gave an amused chuckle while writing down the order on a small note pad.

"Anything to drink with that?"

"Just water."

"One green tea." The man nodded, picked up the menus and left. 

"Just water? Ma, you're so boring Inka-san~" Hana sighed slouching forward onto the table.

"No, I'm very reasonable, you on the other hand, have been acting very childish lately." He said. She pursed her lips into a pout and averted her eyes.

"Hey, growing old is imminent, however growing up is always a choice~"

"Who told you that garbage?" He scoffed folding his arms over his chest.

"Hmm, I guess it doesn't really matter anymore."

"Tsk, where do you get off, getting all poetic then vaguely brushing it aside?" Junketsu closed his eyes, leaning back leisurely in his seat.

"Your awful personality must be rubbing off on me." She groaned covering her face with her hands.

While it would seem, to outsiders, that the two were having a simple argument, they were using their practiced gestures to converse in private.

A slouch from Hana: target is not insight. Followed by a pout: I don't think they'll show today. Adding a glance in the direction of the window: Didn't see him on the way either.

Junketsu was quick to reply with a scoff: Doesn't prove anything, you're rushing it. Folding his arms with a discreet glance upwards: He seems the kind to take it easy, he probably likes taking his time.

"Hmm, I guess it doesn't matter anymore." This one didn't need a code, she meant what she said.

He suddenly sank down in his seat: Wait. Listen.

Sure enough, from the direction directly behind him, he head the soft chime of the bell above the front entrance.

Hana threw her hands over her eyes catching a glimpse of the arrival through her fingers : It's him, don't look.

Junketsu brought a hand to his temple, giving it a tap in frustration: Do not engage target.

The two continued on with their chat, talking about small things like how their day had been going and what shows they had watched recently, making sure to keep up their fake personas. Mean while the two watched the man go on about his visit.

"For the last time, I don't care what you think about my hair." He harshly whispered to the girl across form him, who turned up her hose at him haughtily.

"Fine, I'm just saying you could do better."

The two stopped talking thereafter to listen in on the mystery man, who was by all circumstantial evidence, positively their contact. The man at the counter had mannerisms just as Hana had described, down to a tee. They managed to catch  bits and pieces of what the man was saying to the other who worked behind the counter. Things like; "I'll have the usual." and "It's good too see you again Izaya."

After this, the waiter who had taken their order returned.

"Sorry it took so long we're a little short on staff today." The man uttered with an apologetic bow.

"It's fine, it's fine, it can't be helped right?" Hana said and the man smiled before leaving. After doing so the two ate their meal, sharing banter in between, paying no more mind to the so called 'Izaya'. The pair finished quickly then paid but not before Junketsu quickly took out a pen and scratched something down on the front of a sealed envelope. As soon as he was done the pen was snatched out of his hand and his eyes met with Hana's.

"What, you can't even leave you're homework at home? How sad~" She said as she played keep away with the medium. He slid the message into his pocket and made to reach for his utensil. Alas the girl twirled away with it, right out the door, Junketsu raced after her, flustered.

Once the two were out of view from the front windows the made their way towards the tall, dark skinned man wore the same uniforms as the employees from the restaurant. Junketsu nudged his assistant, handing her the envelope from before. She gave a wink and dashed towards the man who was handing out flyers, with his back turned. She skipped over to him, tapping him lightly on the arm to gain his attention.

"Excuse me sir, but I think you dropped this!" She chimed turning the letter over to the man. Before he could correct her however she let out a giggle and skipped down the street and out of view, joining Junketsu who had already fled from the scene. The man stared in confusion down at the letter in his hand, which bore the name, Izaya.


By the way, this story was a little inspired by Assassination Classroom (and various video games). If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest watching it. It's funny and feelsy at times and all around a great anime! Well, at least I liked it~ Ah Koro-sensei, you've inspired me even from afar!!!! What a great teacher ;v;

(Note: Sorry this is SUPER late and very short. I'm in my last year of high school and I lost track of time. But I'm out for a week since there was a hurricane coming my way. Worry not it has passed and I am safe until next hurricane season yayyyy!I'll try to update again soon!)

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