Chapter 71: Part 1

Start from the beginning

In response to the affect she was having on the girl, Camila's hand traveled down to the buckle of Lauren's belt and roughly pulled it. She then titled her head to the side and breathed against the green eyed girl's lips, "Is this what you want?"


"What?" She husked.

"You don't have to do this-"

"I want too."


"Isn't this what you want?"

Lauren didn't want to admit it but she did want Camila. But more in the way no one would ever expect. In fact, she never wanted anyone else more than she wanted the brown eyed girl.


Lauren met her gaze, "Look, I'm sorry you're upset. But I don't think sex is the answer."

"What do you mean?"

"If you're gonna fuck me, you're only gonna do it because you're mad. And I mean I won't stop you because let's face it, you're hot when you're angry, but it's not gonna change anything. You're still going to be mad and I'm-" She paused.

"You what?"

"I'm just going to make things harder for myself."


"Yeah well you know, it hasn't exactly been easy for me either." Lauren admitted.

Camila loosened her grip on her before she pulled away and said, "Fine, I won't make things hard for you anymore."

Lauren regret what she said, "Camz that's not what-"

"No, I know what you're going to say but you're right. And I hate to admit it, but you are. And I just...I can't do this anymore."

Lauren couldn't help but be a little hurt at the brown eyed girl's words, "So that's it? You're just going to give up? You're not even going to try?"

"I've tried enough and I just keep getting hurt. So I'm not going to stand in your way anymore. I hope that you find what you're looking for."

Lauren clenched her jaw before she eased her expression and said, "Me too."

And oddly enough, this was the first time Camila didn't listen to her grandfather. And it felt good. Good to call the shots for once without listening to her damn heart. And in that moment, suddenly, everything made sense and didn't at the same time. But the brown eyed girl didn't care. She was over it. And if Lauren wanted her to find her higher self or whatever, then she was going to do it. But on her own terms. Not because she was told too.


The very next day, Camila walked into those school doors with a confidence that was out of this world. She held her head up high and strut through the halls like she was the baddest bitch around. And honestly, she was. She wasn't wearing her glasses, or carrying that same old copy of Catcher in the Rye. In fact, she looked like a completely different person. She was wearing a forest green rock band crop top, ripped high waisted jeans, and a pair of black open toed heels. Around her neck was a black choker that Lauren had forgotten at Cabello's one evening that they had fucked.

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