Chapter 5

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The next morning at breakfast, Annika tells Jamal about the ghost.
"She was so scary." Annika shivers.
"I like scary." Jamal laughs. "But why is she after you?"
"She says since I'm the Sorceress I need to find the Mask of Hades." Annika explains.
"The mystery isn't over."
"What do you mean?" Annika asks.
"Last year, Sarah said there was evil in the Cup and you needed to hide it. You hid it, but since you checked on it, the evil was released from the Cup and it's a ghost woman. The mystery isn't over."
"I guess this means Sibuna is back in action."
"I guess so!" Jamal smirks.
"Sibuna." Annika and Jamal do the Sibuna signal.
Gran walks in and sits next to them.
"Hey, Gran!" Annika smiles.
"Is this the boy you told me about?" Gran smiles. "Awe, you guys are so cute together! Just like you said, Annika!"
Everyone laughs while Annika and Jamal shift uncomfortably.
"I have to go get my stuff and then we can walk to school together." Annika tells Jamal and leaves.
Sami walks in and flops down on Annika's seat.
She turns to Jamal.
"Hey." She blushes.
"Hi." Jamal smiles.
"Do you want to walk to school together?" Sami asks. "You know, like old times."
"Uh, sure!" Jamal lets out.
"Great!" Sami leaves.
Gran sighs. "Man, you got it bad."
"I know, right?" Jamal groans.
"I'll tell you what," Gran continues,"Come to me later for some relationship advice. No argument."
"But-" Jamal begins but Gran walks away.
"Time to walk to school!" Mark says, grabbing Savanna's hand.
Everyone walks out and Jamal sees Sami.
"Are you ready?" Sami asks.
"Yeah!" Jamal tries not to blush.
Annika comes up to them. "Hey, are you ready to leave?"
"Actually, he's walking with me. Sorry." Sami smirks.
"Oh, wow, okay." Annika rolls her eyes.
"Guys!" Jamal says. "Why can't we all walk together?!"
"Whatever." Annika and Sami groan.
Annika holds Jamal's hand and Sami holds his other hand.
Jamal sighs, feeling stressed and torn.
During lunch in the student lounge, Mark and Savanna eat together.
Mark's phone keeps going off.
"Why's your phone going off so much?"Savanna asks.
"It's my family." Mark looks away. "They're moving to London and they want me to move with them. If I move, I can go to an amazing sports school that I've always wanted to go to! But I don't want to leave you."
"So, you're moving? And you won't be with me?" Savanna asks.
"Of course not! I could never leave you!"
"But you have a chance to get into an amazing school!" Savanna points out.
"I don't care! I love you, Savanna. And you mean more to me than England with my family."
Savanna looks away, feeling guilty.
Meanwhile, Tyler and Hunter take a bunch of photos to send to magazines.
"Thanks again for helping me with this!" Tyler says.
"No problem." Hunter continues taking photos.
"Danya's not gonna know what hit her!" Tyler laughs.
Later in Biology Class, Mr. Sweet makes an announcement.
"The Frobisher museum is being re-opened!"
Annika turns to Jamal. "Isn't that the museum we found the other day."
Jamal nods.
"I need 2 volunteers to help out with the grand re-opening!" Mr. Sweet continues.
Sami shoots her hand up. "Me and Jamal would love to do it!"
"Excellent!" Mr. Sweet says.
Sami glares at Annika.
The bell rings.
"Have fun with Sami." Annika mutters to Jamal as she leaves.
"Annika, wait!" Jamal gasps.
"Is everything okay?" Sami asks him.
"Yeah. Everything's fine." Jamal says.
Jamal and Sami walk with each other.
After school at the library, Jamal and Sami meet up with the teachers to clean up for the grand re-opening.
"This place is creepy." Sami gags.
"Tell me about it!" Jamal laughs.
Annika bursts in. "Need extra help?"
"Actually, that would be very nice!" Mrs. Andrews says. "Thank you, Annika."
Annika goes to Jamal and Sami.
"What are you doing here?" Sami remarks to Annika.
"Why do you care?!" Annika snaps.
"Guys! Let's just clean!" Jamal says. "Even though I really enjoy 2 girls fighting over me."
"You wish!" Annika and Sami laugh.
Jamal rolls his eyes and continues cleaning.
Annika taps on Jamal's shoulders.
"What is it?" He asks.
She shows him a book on the Mask of Hades.
"This contains information on the Mask." She explains. "It says the Mask is hidden in Hades House."
"How many treasures are in that house?!" Jamal laughs.
"That doesn't matter! What matters is that the Mask weeps tears of gold, which is another term for Elixir of Life. That's what Victor is looking for! If he finds the Book of Isis it will lead him to the Mask and to the Elixir! We need to find it first." Annika states.

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