Chapter 9

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The next morning, Annika and Jamal talk.
"How did you sleep last night?" Annika asks, while eating pancakes.
"Great!" Jamal lies. "Just great, you know? No nightmares.... AT ALL!"
"Um.... Okay???" Annika laughs.
"I was thinking," Jamal says. "We should check the cellar today after school. The quicker we find the Mask, the better!"
"What Mask?" Danya comes. "And why are you
going into the cellar?"
"Uh-" Jamal lies. "We're going down into the cellar to have a date and we're using masks to have a costume competition."
"Um, mhmkay." Danya rolls her eyes and leaves.
Later at school, Mark and Savanna talk in the hallway.
"So, it was a pretty weird day for the basketball team!" Mark laughs.
"I really don't care..." Savanna lies. "Why don't you go shoot some goals? Or make a home run or whatever it is you do in soccer."
Savanna walks away and Mark looks down and sighs.
Grace runs up to Savanna. "Are you ready to investigate on my dad more?"
"Not now, Grace." Savanna walks away.
"Ughh!" Grace rolls her eyes.
After school, Annika and Jamal talk in the Hades House hallway.
"Are you ready to go into the cellar?" Jamal asks.
"More than ever." Annika smiles.
Danya and Tyler rush up to them.
"You two are going on a double date with us!"Danya says.
"What? Why?" Annika asks.
"Because... Going with Mark and Savanna would be awkward since I'm his ex and everything... And you can't leave me alone with HIM!" Danya points to Tyler.
"Hey!" Tyler whines.
"Fine." Annika huffs.
In the backyard of Hades House, Annika, Jamal, Danya and Tyler have a picnic for their double date.
"This is great!" Tyler says. "It's Danya and I's first date!"
"Whoop-Dee-Doo..." Danya mutters.
"We're obviously the best couples in the House." Jamal says.
"Yeah, but-" Danya smirks. "Let's get to what everyone wants to know.. Which couple is better? Which one of us is the power couple of the world?"
Annika and Jamal glare at each other.
"It's obviously us!" Tyler blares out.
"Um, no it's us!" Jamal argues.
"Can we not talk about this?" Annika looks away.
"Why? What's wrong?" Jamal asks her.
"I think we need to talk." Annika says.
"Uh-oh..." Tyler mutters.
"This is the part where we leave, Tyler." Danya stands.
"Um, hello! I set up this picnic I'm not leaving it! THEY can leave!"
"Fine!" Annika stands and pulls Jamal away.
Back at Hades House, Annika and Jamal go into the cellar from the secret passage in the kitchen.
"We haven't done that in forever!" Annika laughs.
"Yeah... Let's finally look around for the Mask!"
They look around.
Annika wanders over to a shelf and sees at the top of it there are digits. "Jamal, check this out! There are digits here! Maybe if we find out the code the shelf will open and reveal a secret compartment with the Mask inside! We have to start figuring out the code!"
Annika starts to leave, but Jamal stops her.
"Wait." He says. "Why did you seem so upset on the double date?"
"Because I was!" Annika remarks.
"But, why?"
"Isn't it obvious?! My boyfriend is in love with another girl and I'm stuck in the middle of their triangle when I just want to have a normal relationship with you! I don't even know if I want a relationship, actually."
"Annika, I'll choose eventually."
"I don't care. It's too much drama that I definitely don't need right now. Or ever."
"What are you saying?"
"Jamal, we should just be friends. I mean, what's fair about going out with me when you're also in love with Sami."
"No! I'm sorry, but I really don't know what to do anymore. I need time and I don't want to be in a relationship with you right now, okay?"
"So, we're breaking up?" Jamal asks.
"Yes. If it wasn't obvious already..."
Annika walks away and starts crying.
Jamal looks away and starts crying as well.
"What are you doing down here?!" Victor enters and sees Annika and Jamal.
They wipe their tears away and straighten up.
"ANSWER ME!" Victor shouts.

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