Chapter 29

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Elayna and Tyler march to Annika, Jamal and Danya the next day.
"We got cursed!" They say.
"Welcome to the club..." Annika and Jamal say.
Later at school, Mrs. Andrews announces the new editor in charge.
"The new editor in charge is... SAVANNA!"
"Yes!" Savanna cheers.
"Ugh!" Sami groans. "She always wins everything! It's not fair! I missed out on the whole year last year!"
"Don't be jealous, Sami." Savanna snickers.
"I'll get you back for this." Sami states.
After school, Sibuna goes back into the tunnels and to the dead end.
"Look around." Annika says.
Tyler finds a little door and opens it, causing the swinging blades to stop.
The little door reveals a small hole to crawl in.
"Maybe that's another way." Tyler says.
"At least we don't have to go past those swinging blades anymore!" Danya says.
"Okay, who's going in the hole first?" Elayna asks. "I did the swinging blades, so definitely not me!"
"We'll draw straws." Jamal suggests.
Jamal finds some sticks and breaks them.
Annika, Jamal, Danya and Tyler pick sticks and Danya gets the shortest.
"Danya.." Annika winces. "You have to go in the hole."
"What?!" Danya shouts. "No. Never. I can't do that!"
"I'll do it for you!" Tyler stands. "Because I love you!"
"Oh, just shut up and do it." Danya rolls her eyes.
Tyler lets out a sigh of frustration and crawls into the hole.
"It's getting dark!" He says when he's far. "I can't see anything! Oh no! It's getting smaller! The hole is smaller! I'm claustrophobic! I can't do this! I'm scared of tight spaces!"
Tyler starts screaming and can't stop.

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