Chapter 7

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8 AM

I had until 4:30 PM to finish what I had to do before I had to go back to the studio to start our session. This was all going a bit too fast, but it'd be a long time before I had another chance to do this. After all, I promised that I wouldn't lose Leondre to Axel. 

I was standing before my parents' house. They definitely won't be expecting me to make an appearance. I let out a big sigh and ring the doorbell. It was my mother who opened the door.

"Charlie? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be working?" She asks.

"I have some time before I get back. I actually wanted to talk to you. Is Brooke here as well?"

"Your sister is still sleeping, do you want me to wake her up?" 

"Yes, please."

While my mum went to my sister's room, I sat down on the living room couch. I had absolutely no idea what I was about to do, but it's going to be worth it. I've been keeping this in far too long. 

"Why are you here so early, Charlie?" Brooke says.

"Hey, you two have a seat," I requested.

They both took a seat in the couch in front of me. My sister was still drowsy, and the both of them were still in their sleeping clothes. This called for an unsettling situation.

"So what do you need to talk about? It must be important if you got here so quick," My mother questions.

"Um... It's about Leo. I want to talk about what's been happening between Leo and I."

The sound of his name got my sister intrigued. She loved spending time with Leondre. To start off, I explained everything that has happened between the both of us so far. They were incredibly shocked to find out how bad things got between us.

"How could you and Leo be like that to each other! I thought you were besties!" My sister asserted.

"That's surprising. I never knew Leo had feelings for you like that, I guess it's pretty obvious now that I look back at it," My mother says.

"Yeah, but that's not all of what I came here to talk about. I need some advice... And I need to confess some things," I admitted.

"What could it be?" My mum wondered.

I gulped and fixed my posture. This would be the first time I'd be admitting this.

"Brooke... Mum... I think I'm bisexual. And..."

Their eyebrows raised and leaned forward. A bead of sweat ran down my neck. I was trembling.

"... I'm in love with Leondre." 

I could hear my mother slightly gasp. Brooke was getting all jumpy.

"I knew it! I knew it! I bet it from the start! I was right mum!" She cheered.

"Right about what?" I was confused.

"I bet with mum that you and Leondre liked each other. She thought you guys were just best friends. Now she has to do whatever I want for a week!" She explained.

"You guys seriously bet on something like that?!" I was shocked.

"... Sorry sweetie," My mother says with disappointment. 

Well, this was definitely not the reaction I was expecting. In a way, it sort of calmed me. I didn't have to be afraid of what my family thought anymore. They've accepted me from the start.

"Then what are you going to do about Chloe?" My mum asked.

"I'm not sure..."

"Well, in all honesty, I've been in a similar situation. Ask yourself this, who would you rather spend your life with? Who do you love more? Leondre or Chloe?" My mum advised.

At The End of The Day (Bars & Melody: Chardre)Where stories live. Discover now