Chapter 6

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Leon's POV

So anyway Yesterday was good me & Xavier chilled & did the project..... Even though he kept trying to kiss me...but that's not the key issue right now I'm trying to be faithful to Trevor & I hope he's doing the same

Anyway it was Saturday morning & as you know its the weekend so I was laying In my bed in a good ass sleep until " Wake up Lil bro " Antwone yelled as he jumped in my bed making me jump up
" What happened somebody in the house !!!!? " I shouted jumping out the bed & grabbing my bat , He sat there laughing hard as hell tears was rolling down his face

I looked at him crazy as hell " Get your ass out my fucking room " I said hitting him with a pillow " I'm sorry bro I just had to do it " he said still laughing , " Yeah yeah yeah now get out " I said struggling to push him outside " Strong ass " I said " Yeah I know " he said " listen its to early in the morning to be doing this " So ? " he said shrugging his shoulders , " Plus its 3 in the afternoon " he went on .

" Bruhh stop lying " I stared at him " I'm serious as a heart attack you been sleep the whole morning " he chuckled " Wow you see what stress does to me " I said before heading to the bathroom to do my hygiene " & by stress you mean dealing with that nigga you with " he asked " don't start " I laughed " For real from the Shit you tell me , it seem like that's the reason why " he said

" Umm no " I said as I brushed my teeth " I'm not saying he ain't no good for ya but either way he need to chill " he explained " Your right " I said as I washed my mouth out " Aye that's what I'm here for bro " he said patting my back " Yeah I know " I said before entering my walk in closet to get some clothes I threw on some simple black joggers , & a T-shirt with the Nike sign on it that said Do it .

I threw it on & headed downstairs to see my brother in the living room  " Where's mom ? " I asked ," Out somewhere " he said " Man she always out somewhere " I rolling my eyes , He laughed , " Not really " he said , Anyway I headed to the kitchen to fix me some food so I decided to cook pancakes , eggs , & bacon

" Damn bro I hope you sharing " he said walking in , " Ha sike " I rolled my eyes " Damn for real its like that ? " he said pretending to be hurt " Naw for real I got ya " I said with a chuckle " Oh Okay " he said before sitting down " Shut up " I said , " You gon make me " he taunted" Keep talking shit & you won't get nothing " I said looking at him

" aight we gon see " he laughed , Anyway as I finished cooking I fixed us both a plate & we sat down & dug in , " So what you gon do about yo nigga " he asked " Something  " I shrugged my shoulders " Right " he nodded

Anyway the rest of the afternoon we chilled & watched Netflix until by the evening " Aye bro I'm finna head out real quick " He said putting on his shirt " Damn leave me by myself huh ? " I rolled , " You'll be good " he laughed , " All by mysellllf , don't wanna be all by myself anymore 🎤🎶 " I sung , He started laughing hard as hell " You laughing I'm serious " I eyed him " Aww I'm sorry bro " he hugged me " I love you too but get off me " I said hugging him then pushing him  " You know sometimes I forget that you can sing " he chuckled.

I looked at him & shrugged 🤷🏾

" aight bro " he said before grabbing his phone , wallet , & keys before heading out , Looks like I got the house to myself , Anyway I got up locked the door & headed to my room & checked my phone I had a missed called from Cassandra so I facetimed her ........

Crazy In Love (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora