Brains Over Beauty (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski

Start from the beginning

"Shut up." You laughed, playfully swatting his chest and walking out of the house. His laughter filled your ears as he caught up to you.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Laughter. The wind flying through your hair. The upbeat tunes of All Time Low pumping through the speaker. These were just some of the things that kept you in this town. As you looked over at the grinning boy next to you, you just knew you couldn't leave. Deep, deep down you wished that if you'd look over at him, just once, you'd get a front row seat to witnessing the vibrant hues of this place. Maybe he felt that way, too.

"You wanna go and get something to eat?" Stiles shouted over the lead singer's angelic voice. You were shocked that you hadn't gotten pulled over yet from the music being so loud. If one thing from Stiles's Jeep was still fully functioning, it would have to be the speakers.

"Sounds good." You said back, giving him a thumbs up in case he wasn't able to hear you.

Together, you walked into the small, cozy diner with smiles on your faces, laughing at one another. A waiter was at your table the moment you sat down. It was a guy. Of course.

"Hello." He grinned at the two of you, his gaze locked onto you longer than necessary. You looked down at your menu in an attempt to show you weren't interested and never would be. "Can I start you off with some drinks today?"

"Two cokes." Stiles replied, forcing a smile. He hated whatever powers you possessed with a fiery passion. Stiles's eye rolls were reserved only for people who would stare at you for long periods of time. So, technically he will roll his eyes at everyone.

"Coming right up!" He smiled at you one last time before walking off, bringing an eye roll out of you as well.

"Everything was going so well until I suggested we go outside." You frowned, your head falling onto the table with a small thud.

"I hate to rain even more on your parade, but uh—everyone is staring at you. Like everyone."

"I don't even care anymore." You lifted your head back up, folding your hands in front of you as a mode of distraction from the peering eyes. It was times like these that you wished you never had gotten these lame powers. There is nothing more uncomfortable than people watching you eat.

"Really?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

"Really." You confirmed, even though you didn't mean it. You finally grew enough courage to scan your surroundings and, surely enough, every single set of eyes in the room were trained on you. Looking back to see a concerned Stiles. Absentmindedly, you began to chew on your bottom lip as you avoided his gaze. You wanted nothing more than to blend in, and now that you had an Alpha pack on your hands, you'd have to wait even longer to find out what you were.

Suddenly, the sound of a ringing phone brought you out of your sulk-fest. Stiles sent you an anxious glance as he noticed that his phone was the culprit. You watched as he put it up to his ear and began to speak to whoever was on the other end. A few moments later, you figured out that it was Scott, your trusty werewolf friend.

"That was Scott." Stiles told you once he was done.

"Yes, I gathered that information." You said with only a hint of sass. "What'd he want?"

"He knows about the Alpha pack." He said nervously.

"Oh, shit." I said. "Is he mad that you didn't tell him you knew?"

"No, he was surprisingly cool with it. Only threatened to kill me once, no big deal."

You couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Scott would never be able to kill Stiles, for he'd miss the sarcastic boy too much if he went through with it.

"He actually told me something else, too." A smirk showed up.

You furrowed your eyebrows, tilting your head. "And what might that be?"

"Well, Scotty boy said that we could sit out on this one for a little bit."

"I—I don't see how this is good news."

"It is, in fact, good news because now we have more time to find out what the hell you are!" He cheered, and maybe a little too loudly due to the odd looks people gave him before turning back to you with looks of awe. You sighed.

"We better. And fast. I've seen way too many people drool over the past week and, quite frankly, it'sdisgusting."

"With me by your side, we'll have it figured out in no time." He said in a cocky fashion, shooting you a wink.

"Is that why it's taken two years to actually start the research?" You teased.

"Shut up."

+  +  +

Alrighty peeps. This will be my last one for today, which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on if you hate me yet or not. Part 3 will hopefully be up soon but no promises! Hopefully you liked Part 2!

Check out my Tumblr. It's fun: sophisticatedstiles

Rock on

Alexa :)

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