Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

I said good bye to Tariq and kissed his cheek before walking off to English, I sat down next to Dynasty and rested my head on the desk. “Come on Kaitlin, wakey wakey” Mr Lowsley said way too cheerfully when he walked in. “Get lost sir, I just wanna sleep really” I said and put my head on the desk again as everyone laughed. I heard Mr Lowsley laugh a little too then heard the squeak from his chair as he sat down. “T'was the night before Christmas. He lived all alone, in a one bedroom house. Made of plaster and stone” Mr Lowsley started reading out and I looked up, I knew this poem it had been Kai’s favourite poem. “Do you want to read it or something, Kait?” Mr Lowsley asked me and I smiled, nodding my head. Mr Lowsley smiled himself and handed the book across the desk which I refused, I knew the poem by heart.

When the bell rang I walked out with Dynasty then went down the corridor to where Barry was stood. “Hey” I smiled and he smiled back, hugging me. “What’re ya doing?” I asked him and he told me how he’d gotten a load of crisps and was selling them for free. “I’m hoping to get a free bag then Mr Barry” I said to him and he laughed but looked up when Darren came round the corner “Well, give Kaitlin a bag” Barry said and I smiled as Darren pulled out a bag of crisps and chucked them to me. “See ya” I said and walked off, opening the bag as I went. I walked out the back of the school where the allotments were and smiled when I saw the goat “Aw wow we got a goat?!” I said and walked out and over to it, I knelt down in front of it and started stroking it while eating my crisps. “Erm Kaitlin where did you get those crisps?” Christine asked me and I turned around finishing the bag off “Barry and Darren were selling them, Barry gave me a bag for free” I told her like it was nothing then turned back to the goat. When the bell went for the end of break I met up with Dynasty and Imogen and went with them into the canteen, “Which group you gonna go with?” Dynasty asked me and I looked around a little before sighing “Mr Lowsley I think, I need to talk to him about something anyway” I lied; I knew Barry was in that group and I just wanted to spend the time with him. Dynasty nodded and told me that her and Imogen were going with Miss McFall. When we were told where to stand I went over to the line in front of Mr Lowsley’s and stood with my friend from Art class, Lacey. We all eventually went out the school building and out of the gates, following Mr Lowsley down the street towards the forest. “Right don’t pick anything without checking with me first and don’t go wondering off either” Mr Lowsley said to us all when we got further enough into the forest, I sighed and walked with Lacey at the back. “Sir? Where’s Barry and Darren?” I asked Mr Lowsley after we’d been foraging for about 5 minutes and I’d looked around to find them, Mr Lowsley looked around at everyone and frowed his eyebrows “Right, nobody go wondering off or anything. Kaitlin you’re in charge I’m going to go and look for them” Mr Lowsley said, I nodded and watched him walk away. We’d only been foraging for another half an hour when Mr Lowsley came back with Barry and Darren, something was up with them, I could tell by the way they were walking…they weren’t even walking in a straight line.

“What’re you two doing?” I asked Barry and Darren when we got back to school and saw them messing around near the allotments “That goat’s a spy” Barry whispered to me and pointed to Wally who was tied up on the fence. “Yeah and I’m Hannah fucking Montana, are you high or something?” I said but shook my head and walked away, into the school to find Dynasty. I couldn’t find her anywhere so I went over and stood with Harley “You alright Harley?” I asked him and he smiled at me before asking me to listen to the speech he’d prepared for Mr Robert Bain. “Aw that’s well good, Harley” I praised him and I watched as his face pretty much glowered with pride, I turned around and saw Christine come with Mr Bain and I slapped Harley’s arm lightly. “Ah, Kaitlin Byrne correct?” Mr Bain said and I nodded, shaking his hand. “Applied for those art schools yet?” he asked and I laughed a little “Not yet sir” I told him and I stood as Harley said his speech aloud. I turned around when I heard laughing and saw Barry and Darren pretending to be aeroplanes through the corridor “Oh no” I said and saw Christine turn around herself, she tried to stop Harley and move Mr Bain away but it was too late, Darren had been sick on his shoes. “Eugh, that’s rank!” I exclaimed but watched as Barry ran into the boys toilet. “Kaitlin will you go and tend to Barry please I’ll be with you shortly” Christine said and I groaned before walking down the steps and into the boys toilets being met by a revolting stench. “Eugh” I said and walked to the end cubical where Barry was throwing up. Christine eventually came into the boys toilets and asked me to stay with the two boys in the nurses office “Pretty sure you hate me, Christine” I said to her and I watched her laugh as she walked away, leaving me alone with the two boys. “What have you taken seriously?” I asked them and watched as Barry looked at Darren and shook his head lightly. “You’ve taken Shroom haven’t you?” I asked and I watched as Darren’s head shot up in shock and I sighed “I ain’t staying here you pair of idiots, you can look after yourselves” I said and walked out the nurse’s office.   

The end of the day soon came and I walked back to the school house on my own for once, I’d shoved my earphones in my ears and started blasting All Time Low. As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs and changed into my ripped jeans and Bring Me The Horizon jumper, I scraped my hair back into a ponytail and shoved my converse on my feet ( before running down the stairs and walking out. I walked down the street and eventually got to Aiden’s house “Hey babe” he said and tried to kiss me but I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back lightly. I stepped into the flat and sat down on the sofa in his living room “It’s over, Aiden, I’m sorry I-I don’t love you and I can’t be with someone I don’t love…It’s not fair on either of us…” I told him, I looked up at him and stood up to leave but he grabbed my arm and spun me around. “You’re joking right?” he said and laughed but stopped when he saw how serious I was being “Nobody dumps me, Kaitlin, if anyone’s gonna get dumped here it’d be you” he shouted in my face, his spit going over my face, I wiped it away and stared at him. “It’s this Barry guy isn’t it? He still loves you and he’s made you dump me that’s what it is, well then I’ll ban you from seeing him, talking to him whatever” he said and his grip on my arm tightened a significant amount. “You can’t ban me from seeing Barry; he didn’t make me dump you I wanted to dump you!” I shouted at him but I knew straight away that was a mistake, I saw the venom in his eyes and before I knew it his hand had been raised and he slapped me as hard as he could across my face. 

I'm sorry it's not as good as the other chapters or as long but I wanted to get it out to you since I'm gonna be very busy next week while I'm off. Also I've had an idea for another Waterloo Road fanfiction that includes a Student/Teacher relationship, would anyone be interested in reading? Tell me in the comments but also comment what you think of the sequel so far. Vote/Comment/Fan

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