A Whole New World...... Literally

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I was walking home from school, because my family was away doing something "important". So, I was COMPLETELY alone. Or..... At least I was physically alone..... I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched, followed, in fact.
"Hello? Is anybody there?" I said, turning around.
I clutched my backpack strap and saxophone case handle tightly. If there was a creeper loose, they would have gotten what was coming to them. However, nobody was in the area in which I was walking home in.
As I began crossing the canal that separated the two parts of the dirt hills, I had the feeling of being followed again. Looking around once more, I spotted nothing. So I just shook it off and went on my way across the rocky canal. As soon as I crossed it, I continued onward.
But, I kept getting that same uncomfortable feeling.....
I have a saxophone case, and I'm NOT afraid to use it!
Suddenly, I heard the sound of howling wind. But, it wasn't windy...... I turned my head slightly to look behind me. What I saw was NOTHING natural or ordinary.
There was what looked like a tornado, but it was tipped on its side, the large part right behind me, the small a few feet behind. It was glowing a bright red color, that slowly grew into a deep, crimson maroon. Gray spiral designs exposed themselves inside the swirls. Glowing symbols flew out the twister, draping me in gold and gray. I ran for my life. The symbols filled my line of sight, disabling my ability to see where I was going.
One symbol shown bright over all the rest; one of a box with many intricate designs, and what looked like a fancy cross to top it all. The box opened, the inside glowing light blue. Streams of the same glowing color flowed into the box. Then the box closed, and I lost consciousness.
I woke up with my whole body aching....... And, I found myself underneath an oak tree. A BIG oak tree. The leaves were green and lively, and its brown base slightly twisted.
Painfully sitting up, I averted my gaze to a red brick house. It had three floors: One being an upstairs (possibly containing bedrooms, bathrooms, etc), another being what I felt was the main floor (with the kitchen, living room, etc), and the last being the basement, which was most likely storage. There were crosses cut into pieces of cement, which were connected to the roof. Something about it seemed a bit peculiar, however.
I was obviously in the backyard of this house. If one of the owners found me, they probably would've killed me for "trespassing". So, I decided to get up (with immense pain) and walk on the sidewalk, because that's not trespassing.
The yard was fairly large though, because it took me a good 5-10 minutes to find and walk on the sidewalk. As I was cornering the concrete near the house, I spotted two figures in its driveway. One of the figures was female, with long dirty blonde hair. She looked no older than 10, and was a bit taller than me. The other was male, with a baseball cap and a hockey stick. He had a slightly big build, and looked like he was no taller than 6'0".
I needed to know my surroundings a bit more, so I threw myself behind a bush to examine the situation.
"I'm going to tell my big brother," the shorter figure said.
It looked like she was holding something..... Maybe a plushy of some sort.
"I've seen your big brother. He may be older, but he's not BIG," the hockey stick wielding figure scoffed.
He took whatever she was holding from her arms, causing the girl to give out a small cry.
"Fetch," he commanded, plopping the object on the ground, and hitting it with his hockey stick.
The girl ran to where he possibly sent it flying. A moment later, the immature teenage boy disappeared faster than I could even blink.
One of the boy's shoes fell from above. Somehow, the girl returned to the driveway as it fell, causing her to scream bloody murder. A little bit into the screaming, a car pulled into the driveway. Two people hustled out of the car; a brown haired man and a blonde woman, who I suspected were the parents. They also wore matching red/violet and blue bowling shirts.
"Jane? What happened? Are you alright?!" the blonde asked, cupping the little girl's cheeks with her hands.
She looked around for any sign of what may have made "Jane" scream.
"Ethan!!!" she yelled.
The sound of a door opening erupted from the house. I then saw two young men scramble out the door. The first had dark brown hair, almost black, and wore a red shirt. And the other had curly brown hair, and wore an orange striped shirt.
A white substance came out of the boy in the red shirt's mouth as he gagged. Having my knowledge and logic, the two boys were most likely doing the "Chubby Bunny" challenge..... Most likely.
"Hi, mom......." the boy said, obviously knowing he was in trouble.
"Okay. I gotta get out of here...." I whispered to myself. "But, where?"
I stood up from the crouching position I was in, and began walking away when......
Looking down, a twig was broken into two VERY uneven pieces. Yup......... I got caught in a horror cliché..... Great job, great job.....
"Who's there?" a feminine voice yelled.
I turned around, exposing my face to the five strangers now outside the house.
"Oh. It's just a girl," the father said.
I started backing away. Ever. So. Slowly.
"Whoa, it's okay! We're not gonna hurt you." the boy in the orange shirt said, walking toward me. "I'm Benny Weir. And you are....?"
"I'm Brooke. Brooke Cliff."
"Brooke, huh? Cute name for an even more adorable girl," he said, winking.
I felt uncomfortable for a second, but shrugged it off. I was sure Benny was like me; a nerd or geek that would try to act tough, but wouldn't hurt a fly unless it were in their house.
"C'mon!" Benny said, leading me to the other four strangers. "I'll introduce you to everybody. You'll be fine."
"Uh... Okay."
"Brooke, this here is my best bro, Ethan Morgan," he said, pointing to the young man in the red shirt, "his sister, Jane," pointing to the dirty blond haired girl, "his mom, Samantha; formally known as Mrs. Morgan," gesturing to the blonde woman in a bowling shirt, "and his father, Ross." and finally addressing the brown haired man in the other bowling shirt. "Morgans, meet Brooke."
"Hi." I said shyly.
"It's very nice to meet you," Ethan said, shaking my hand.
His eyes started turning into a whitish blue color and his head leaned back. After a few seconds, he blinked and jolted backwards, releasing his grip on my hand. He began to breathe a bit heavy and a look of disbelief shown on his face.
"Are you alright?" I asked, concern creeping its way into my words.
"Yeah, I'm fine....."
He then turned to his mother.
"Uh, mom?"
"Could she stay with us tonight? I just have a feeling she doesn't have anywhere to stay."
She looked at me as if she were my own mother.
"Oh, yes. You can stay as long as you need to," she said to me.
And then she turned back to Ethan.
"Great! I guess it's settled, then!" Ethan stated, smiling.
"Yes, but you're still not off the hook, young man. I can't have you watching Jane anymore until I know you can be trusted," Mrs. Morgan said, walking into the house, everyone else following close behind her.
"But, mom, I've learned my lesson! You can call off the babysitter. I'm really sorry."
"We'll discuss this later, okay? We have a guest staying at our house."
She faced me, her blue eyes soft.
"I'm sorry, dear."
"It's fine, Mrs. Morgan, really."
"No, it's not. And you can call me Sam if you'd like."
"Where is she going to sleep, mom?" Ethan asked.
"Oh. I didn't think of that..."
"I'll be fine sleeping on the couch." I recommended.
The house went silent. Everybody stared at me in awe.
"No. N-n-n-n-no. That would be terrible hospitality," Sam explained.
"No, it wouldn't. Besides, you've already done so much just letting me stay here. I've had to sleep on a couch whenever I visit my Grandma, so it's no big deal."
"Okay. If you're alright with it, then we're just as fine with it as you are."
"Thank you," I said warmly.
"Well, Ethan, Benny, you have a big day tomorrow. I think it's best you get some rest," she recommended.
"Right.... See ya, Ethan, Brooke, Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan!" Benny bid, leaving the house.
"Bye, Benny!" Ethan and I shouted happily back in unison.
Mrs. Morgan then turned to me.
"You don't happen to have to go to school, do you?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah. I'm a Freshman in high school; just started a couple weeks ago."
"That's great! Benny and I are Freshmen, too! Well.... are GOING to be..." Ethan implied.
"Awesome! You guys can help me with scheduling my classes," I said.
"Yes. But, tomorrow morning. Before school."
I nodded.
"Anyway, I think it's best I get situated," I said. "Where's your bathroom?"
"Oh, it's just right down the hall, first door on the left," Ethan answered, pointing past the hall that leads to the kitchen.
I started walking towards the restroom when these words came from behind me,
"Honey, you're bleeding..." Mrs. Morgan stated, gesturing to my arm.
I became startled as I saw a gash on my upper arm, and my sleeve soaked in a crimson red.
"Oh, it's nothing, really...." I said, grabbing my arm, feeling a bit woozy.
"Ethan, why don't you help her patch up her arm?" she asked.
"Uh, sure. I'll be right back..." Ethan said awkwardly, then ran up the stairs.
I nodded, feeling more dizzy every second. My perfect vision blurred, and I could barely hear anything. All support in my legs gave way, and I toppled onto the floor. Mrs. Morgan knelt down by my side, and said,
"Ethan, hurry! You're going to be just fine, I promi-"
Then everything went black.

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