The trip to Griffith Observatory

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The next morning,

Trayce Thompson slept beside Keagan. Jackson wakes up from his sleep while Chris was listening to the music. "Another music again?" Jackson yawned. "It's getting into me Jackson," Chris stammered. "I was wondering if I could download the music on Itunes, but it would mess up my laptop because Mychal Thompson hasn't installed the Anti-Virus yet?" "If you can install the Anti-Virus system on your laptop Jackson, you should ask Mychal Thompson to install it for you," "I will ask him, but Mychal Thompson is asleep," Jackson told Chris. "I think Stephen Curry is awake, so he has some Anti-Virus thing on his laptop and I'll ask him to install it for me," Tristan Thompson slept in Klay's bedroom. It was six in the morning as Keagan goes upstairs to check his father. He could hear Klay snoring while sleeping without his shirt. Tristan Thompson sleeps with his tank top. Keagan went to the bed where his parents are sleeping without disturbing them. Next, he went to the other side where Klay Thompson was sleeping, so he moved him carefully by giving him a little push. Keagan laid beside Klay as he puts on the blanket on his body even though Klay was still sleeping with no shirt. Keagan looks at his dad to see if he was awake or not. He laid down on the pillow and his father starts moaning in sleep. A moment later, Keagan takes a selfie of himself and his sleeping dad while Tristan is still sleeping putting his hand on Klay's waist.

After taking a selfie,
He tries to fall asleep, so he moved his body sideways to look at him with his eyes closed. "Uh dad?" Keagan whispered. Klay slept for eight hours and later on he placed his left arm on Keagan's back to embrace him.


Tristan Thompson wakes up from his sleep. I see my son sleeping with the love of my life. He thought. If my son had a children on his own, I will always take good care of them while he is away at work. "Good morning Tristan," Jackson greeted him in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. "Good morning Jackson," He replied. "You look happy today Tristan," Chris sat down on the chair playing games on his phone. "Why thank you dears!" He was smiling at the two kids while getting some cup of coffee. "So where is Klay?" "Klay is upstairs in his room sleeping with Keagan,"

Keagan opens his eyes and heard his father talking in sleep. Klay moved his body side to side as Keagan falls himself on the floor hitting his head. "Ouch! My head," "Huh?" Klay Thompson wakes up from his sleep. "I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Klay heard his son making a noise. "What happened?" "Dad, I hit my head, it was so lucky that I didn't have any bruises, I just fell," "My goodness you surprised me," It made him realized his son fell on the floor. "Stupid floor, I guess I'm going back to sleep," Keagan laid down on his father's stomach. It was the imagination of how his father was holding a child when Tristan Thompson stayed with him. Then the gift had came to him and he was born.

Keagan stretched his arms, grabs his phone and logs in to Instagram to see if he had posted anything. He saw the picture of his father looking since he went out for a swim and the caption said: "Going out for a swim with this dork," and he tagged Klay Thompson on Instagram post. Klay Thompson sometimes looks at the posts where Keagan was posting pictures and stuff. Although, he doesn't use Instagram that much. The alarm rang on his phone and he moves his hand to turn off the alarm. "Good morning dad," He grinned. "Good Morning Keagan," Klay replied.

"You know how big my head was?" Keagan chuckled. "Just like your head," "Since you were born? Yes, It was big. I found myself laying on the bed breathing after the long hours of pushing," He explained. "It was so Lucky, Tristan Thompson came in to comfort me, so as my father, but I survived the pain," "Oh great," Keagan said. "Besides, I am excited for the trip to Griffith Park, first thing first shower,"

The night out at Griffith Park.

"What?" Jackson looks at Chris. "Don't tell Klay, I will fart again," "Don't worry Jackson," Chris pets him on the back. "I won't tell Klay," "Tell me what?" Klay Thompson wonders. "Oh nothing," Chris said. "Just making sure Jackson is doing okay," "Oh okay," Klay Thompson nods while giving the kids some bottle of water. "But, no time bomb here," "What does time bomb mean?" "It means fart," Jackson replied. "Anyways, let's explore the place here in the conservatory,"

Keagan, Jackson, Chris and Mychal Thompson.

Mychal Thompson took the kids to the earthquake simulator. "I think I am going to feel dizzy," Jackson gulps. "My uncle made me and my dad go to the simulator," "I can tell," Chris said. "I threw up afterwards," "That's a bummer," Mychal Thompson heard what Jackson and Chris said. "If you need to vomit or anything, I can take you and Chris to the restroom," "Right," He nodded. "Let's explore around the horizons,"

Mychal Thompson makes an earthquake.

"Okay Mychal, one two three," The kids were cheering as Mychal Thompson jumps to make a quake. "Whoa Mychal," Jackson gasped. "The bar went up and down," "Probably," He laughed. "Okay another one," Mychal Thompson jumps again. "Dang! It went up and down," "Okay, one huge jump and that's done," Mychal Thompson made a huge leap and surprised all the crowds. "Oh my goodness," "I did not see that coming," Chris felt surprised when Mychal Thompson started jumping.

Klay, Lauren, Tori, Steph and Tristan.

At the theater, Klay Thompson falls asleep while watching the observation of the planet. "Why is Klay sleeping during the observation?" "Oh he must have been tired because he was busy cleaning the living room," Tori replied to Stephen Curry. "Uncle Klay always falls asleep whenever we travel in some places," "I was sleep deprived and I told my dad about it," Lauren explained. "He tells me that I have an increased Brain activity, so I couldn't get to fall asleep in these days, but I went to my dad so that I can fall asleep easily,"

After enjoying the stroll,

The kids saw the rest of the lights in Los Angeles before going home to Thompsons Household.

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