Visiting Stephen Curry's family

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The next day,

Keagan, Lauren and their family started to visit Stephen Curry and their family. Ayesha Curry felt surprised to see the groups. "You must be the children to Klay Thompson and Tristan Thompson," "You got that right," Lauren said. "I'm Lauren Thompson and my brother's name is Keagan Thompson, my parents and I came here to visit and yet, my friends are here," "I'm Chris and this is my friend Jackson," Chris introduced himself to Ayesha. Riley Curry felt excited to see the group. Tori Thompson Curry turned ten as she saw her cousin. "Riley, look how cute we are!" She began to smile as she danced. "No wonder why I would do anything to play along," Stephen Curry smiled at them and said. "That warms my heart when my brother brings you here," Mychel Thompson chuckled. "Oh Klay, what now?" "Mychel I was just joking," He laughed. "Besides, I can tell that they can play. Stephen Curry and his wife has two kids now, Riley and Ryan," Dell Curry and Sonya were glad to see them also. "This is a big family," Jackson looks around. "I remembered going to Kansas city when my family and Chris' were still around since Summer," "What a big time Jackson!" Keagan replied.

"Anyways, Tristan, Mychel, Seth and I will go somewhere, Have fun with Ayesha and the others," Klay told them. "We will," Lauren said. Stephen Curry sat on the chair watching Chris and Jackson playing hide and seek.

Stephen Curry: Jackson! Watch out!

Jackson: Huh? Oh what the-

Jackson stepped on the banana by accident and fell on the grass.

Jackson: Ouch!

Stephen Curry: Jackson! Oh my gosh!

Stephen Curry ran to him and said. "Are you hurt?" "Stephen Curry I think I got scratches on my knee and it's bleeding, stupid banana peels!"

Chris: Jackson what happened?

Jackson: The banana peels made me fall.

Chris: Bummer! Let's have Stephen Curry put a bandage for you.

Next, Stephen Curry takes Jackson to the bathroom, gathers the first aid kit inside the cabinets that had antibiotics, rubbing alcohol and cotton. Jackson sat down on the chair to pull the lower part of his pants to show the wound on his knee. Stephen Curry poured a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the cotton to rub it on Jackson's knee. "Tell me if it hurts," He tells him. "Ouch! That felt like fire," He applied the antibiotics on the knee. Stephen Curry felt surprised about Jackson knowing he fell on the grass. "No wonder how it happened, did you step on the banana peels earlier?" "Yes Stephen Curry, I stepped on the banana peels," Jackson answered. "In fact Jackson, The open wound would cause an infection, so you don't want that to happen, have Klay Thompson take care of it," "Thanks Stephen Curry," Jackson hugs him. "I should be more careful," "You're welcome," He said while putting a huge medicinal patch on Jackson's knee. "Just be careful next time," "I will Steph, thanks for your advice,"

30 minutes later,

Dell Curry arrived as Jackson was watching cartoons on Netflix. "Are you okay Jackson?" "Oh I fell," Jackson replied. Dell Curry checks to see if Jackson was hurt or not, but the bandage was on his knee because Stephen Curry placed it. "I didn't know where I was going, so I was stepping the banana by accident and I began to slither," "That's a bummer Jackson," Dell said. "Be more careful next time,"

Jackson's POV:

What's really ironic is that those a banana peel at Stephen Curry's backyard. If I told Klay Thompson about what happened earlier, he would be surprised. Visiting Stephen Curry's family is a fun experience for the rest of us and yet his wife is asking if we can spend the night at their house. Besides we brought our clothes here, that means we are spending the night at Stephen Curry's house.

Ayesha Curry smiled. "You are very welcome to spend the night at my husband's house," A moment later, Klay Thompson became surprised. "Jackson what happened to you?" "I fell Klay," Jackson explains. "What's really ironic is that Chris and I were playing hide and seek, all of a sudden it was a banana on the grass, I did not see that coming, that incident earlier, I thought I stumbled my own foot," "Oh my," The incident made Klay Thompson scared. "You made me worried Jackson," "I know it sounds scary Klay," he pointed out. "Trust me I will be more careful next time," "That happened to me one time," Keagan Felt The same way as Jackson. "I tripped over the log and my pants ripped, my dad saw me running with my underwear,"

*Keagan and Klay at the park*

Klay Thompson: what the heck Keagan?

Keagan Thompson: dad I tripped over. Curse you wood! Now my pants are ripped.

"OK so my dad covered it with his jacket," Keagan said as he turned his head to his father. "My pants had been covered with mud, so good thing I had extra pants to change," After playing at the park, his father took it to the dry cleaners and yet, his pants he used earlier was finally repaired.

Keagan Thompson: You told me that my pants had holes on it.

Klay Thompson: Then why would I say that?

Keagan Thompson: I don't know.

Klay Thompson: Okay, so I washed your pants yesterday, it felt like brand new now.

Keagan Thompson: Dad! Oh my gosh! It's been for hours.

Klay and Keagan always goof around like it was non-stop.

Nothing bad happened between Keagan and his father. Somehow, they start goofing around and start arguing about things.

The Curry family dinner.

"What the heck Jackson?" Keagan Thompson looked at Jackson. "What? What did I do?" Jackson started to feel embarrassed. "You realized that something happened in the car because I think I did it on purpose," "Okay tell me later, were in the middle of something Jackson," Keagan started goofing.
They knew they had to save the conversation for later.

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