Chapter 36

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They get to the doctors office and Harley and Bruce are greeted by a lovely nurse. She reassured them that Harley's Doctor is the best. And she wouldn't give them anything but the best for Gotham's favorite couple.

They get into the room and meet with a nice Doctor and her smile relieves a little bit of their anxiety.

The doctor runs a sonogram and a couple blood tests after she can't find a heartbeat. This causes Harley to think the worst but the doctor assured them that this is totally normal and it happens all the time. 

The blood tests come back and Harley and Bruce get the worst news. The news they were hoping not to hear.

Harley and Bruce head back to their home after thanking their lovely Doctor. As they left they were met by camera men looking for a story.

Bruce hides Harley as they head to the car knowing how distraught she is.

Bruce calls Ivy when they get home to tell her not to ask Harley about it for a while. She had a miscarriage.

Everyone in the situation was upset, but none more than Harley.

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