Chapter 22

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Months again had passed. Scarlett was a year and a half years old. Harley was still debating on weather or not she should tell her about her real father or let her figure it out. She didn't want poor Scarlett to have to find out about what a monster her father was but she felt that she needed to know.

Harley and bruce were going on a date that night it was their one year anniversary! Batman was going to propose to Harley that night and have her and Ivy and Scarlett all move in with him. He had enough space to add Ivy and he didn't want Ivy to have to be alone when all she has done is help them. He felt like he owed it to her.

Harley went to work as she did in a usual day. Excited about the date she couldn't believe it had been a year already! She was so happy to be with him. And by now word had gotten around about them dating. She didn't care about all the rumors, mainly because the people starting them didn't know about Bruce being Batman.

Their date had finally come after Harley had gotten off work, she went home and prepared herself for the date. Ivy always agreed to babysit and Harley loved her for it, she did it for free but that was because Harley paid for electricity and food and water around there so Ivy thought it was the least she could do.

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