Chaos in Senela Chapter 6

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~a few minutes before Bergamot arrived~

Bergamot was sitting down next to a white haired girl on a cliff side overlooking Seashell City, and she then asked the girl. "Time Keeper are you absolutely sure about this?" The clocks and gears in Time Keeper's hair let out a slight "jingle" sound as she turned to Bergamot. "I am, Bergamot. You are a major factor in this too, you know?" "I know! You keep telling me that and you never tell me why!" Time Keeper was taken a back by Bergamot's mini outburst. But she quickly calmed down and told Bergamot. "If you really want to know about why I tell you that I'll answer it. You see if someone goes back in time and change the slightest thing it might change the way the world would be like later down the line. The human race calls this phenomenon "the butterfly effect". Even though time travel isn't possible yet in this world. It has remained a popular topic in science - fiction." " What does human culture have to with all of this?" Bergamot asked. Time Keeper then continued. "You're half right you see our world wouldn't be in the peaceful state it is now if your mom didn't attack Canterlot. You see if she had not Equestria would be a wasteland right now I just what was necessary to Equestria." "So.... why are you doing this? "Because if someone changes something as big as changing a world's fate. The world needs something of the same value in return" Time Keeper finished. She gave Bergamot a kiss on the check, got up and said "Now, go down there and make sure that this world succumbs to its fate." To which Bergamot reluctantly obliged.

Quick author's note: Bergamot's and Time Keeper's relationship is romantic.

"Wow!!! So big." Water Rose said in awe. Walker's maison was big, white, had four stories, and suited on top of a large hill. "Yep, it is there are a lot of rooms so it should be enough for all of us." Walker replied. "Are you sure that no one is going to discover us?" I asked, still uncomfortable with the situation. " You worry too much, Harmony. I swear it'll be fine." Walker tried reassured me. But this coming from the person who joked about their parents deaths. I wasn't so sure. He then he walked over to Bat Bomb kissed her hand. But before he could say anything, she summoned her black twin pistols and put them on either side of Walker's head and said. " If you even think of pulling something like this again and I WILL blow your brains out. Got that?" Walker put his hands up in a mock surrender. " Pleae, forgive me." Bat Bomb let out a grunt and put away her wepons and walked away from him." Smooth move, dude" Nick said to Walker who was now shaking with fear."Sh- She's just playing hard to get." "She's Asexual, Walker. She's not interested in anybody. " Water Rose said while pating him on the shoulder. "Oh. Come on, how come every time I find a girl I like, I can't actually get with her." He said distraught. Nick then put his hand on Walker's other shoulder."You'll get there someday." Then Water Rose and Nick nodded trying to reassure their friend. "Really, you think so?" Walker's eyes light up with determination. "Then what about you, Water Rose? " Nick responded by giving an angry glare at his best friend. "Sorry, Nick." the light brown haired boy said. Rubbing the back of his head, nervously. "Anyway, now that's over with. Who's ready to go inside" Walker said "'BOUT TIME."

Author's Note: Sorry there wasn't much going on in this chapter. But don't worry the next 2 chapters will be focused on character development. Oh you're probably wondering what Time Keeper was going about. But i'm not telling just yet. Instead I'll leave hints said by Crystal Sheild, Carla and Bergamot. Also if i leave any words out or i make grammar mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix them and update the edited version on Wattpad. Because for some reason I can't edit my uploads on DeviantArt's moblie app for some reason(That or I just can't find where you do it). Anyway until next time.

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