Chaos in Senela Chapter 1

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It's been some time since I came to this world. Me, my family and my best friend Rose came here to find my former dark side Crystal Sheild. Who disappeared into a mirror in a place called "Mirror Mountain". Even though she isn't my dark side anymore. She's still a part of me. I am now walking through the forest trying to find firewood for the temporary camp we set up. I then sensed a presence behind me I immediately summoned my wepon. A purple bow with swirl design and a quiver of arrows with the same design and I then yelled. "Who's there? show yourself." "well look who's agressive today." said a voice that I'd never thought I hear again.

"Chaos, what are you doing here!" I yelled, Then drew back an arrow and fired it, but Chaos caught before it hit and threw it behind her. She stood and said while summing her sword. "Well looks i'm going to have to fight" I then fired three arrows. Two she deflected with her sword. But one of them hit her in the elbow."Ow." she said as she pulled it out and healed herself. Then she launched at me I tried to dodge but she sliced my eye "OUCH" I yelled. Then Chaos paused and then said "WHAT? Why." Another pause. "Fine." Chaos then disappeared. "What was Chaos doing here" I wondered. Holding my hand over my bleeding eye. I then stared to walk back to camp.

I ran into my youngest daughter Water Rose. "OH MY GOD, Harmony are you okay. You're bleeding! " She asked worried drooping the basket she was carrying. " I'm fine, where's Bat Bomb?" I asked. Still holding my hand over my eye. While using my magic to give Water Rose back the basket she then said with lingering concern."She's at the camp." " Thank you, Water Rose" I Replied then walked towords the camp. When I arrived back at our camp my husband, my best friend Rose, and my eldest daughter Bat Bomb asked if I was okay. I said I was and had Bat Bomb heal my eye but I am now blind in my left eye, and have a scar. When Water Rose came back I explained that I was attacked by Chaos. When I was done we heard rustling in the bushes and we immediately summoned our wepons. Then a group of children came out and then a Burnette with a black Hoodie came up to me. "CARLA, what are doing" yelled a tall Burnette. But the girl with the Hoodie didn't listen. Instead she took off the hood and spoke in a emotionless tone."Greetings Harmony Dancer, i'm Carla Ina, Nice to meet you." I was surprised. How had this girl known who she was. Then Carla
Walked back over to the Burnette and started speaking " This is my big sister Charlotte. The boy with the brown hair is her twin brother Jacob. The blonde girl is his Girlfriend Lilly, the boy with the black hair is Dell, we are going to help you find your friend" Carla said. "We will?" Asked Dell confused. "We will." answered Carla. I was wondering how this girl had known my name so I agreed "ALRIGHT, let's go!" said Water Rose happily while spinning around. "I suppose it could be fun." replied Bat Bomb. Little did they know that this set in motion something that none of them excepted.


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