The others

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***ZACK'S P.O.V***

•hey guys! I'm sorry that it is short today but I've been busy in a different country with barley wifi :( but there will be more soon. Enjoy!•

I got on the ground and shook may.

"Dad! What happened? Is she gonna be okay?" I asked my father.

He got down next to me and may. He felt her head and put his ear upon her chest. I sat there for a minute.

"Dad! Is she breathing?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, Zack. Calm down she just fainted. She will be okay. Help me get her up." He commanded.

I grabbed her arms and he grabbed her feet. Why did she faint? She did look a little flushed and she feels hot. Is she sick? Crap! I left her outside without a blanket and it rained, but I was trying to teach her a lesson.

"I'll be right back." I told my father.

I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a rag. I wetted it and ran upstairs as fast as possible. I placed the wet rag on her head and tucked her in. I also placed a cup of water and a few pain relievers on a plate next to her side of the bed. I kissed her head as my dad went into the hallway. I brushed her soft hair out of her face and smiled. She is so beautiful when she sleeps. What am I saying? She is always beautiful. It had been two long years but now... I've got her. I shut the door behind me as I walked down stairs to my dad and sat next to him on the couch.

"Thanks dad."

"Your welcome, son. Just make sure she stays safe and healthy. I don't want her ending up like the others." He explained.

After a while my father left and said he would be back in a week or two with the rest of the family. As soon as he pulled out of the drive way I went upstairs to check on May. She was fast asleep.

I went outside into the shack and grabbed the box. I opened it with a lock in the secret compartment on the rocking chair. Inside where pictured and bloody shirts. The pictures where of me and the others I had before may. They are nothing like her. She can't find out what's in this box.

She can't find out about the others.

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