Ch.14(let me explain!!!)

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" ok so about an hour ago things were going fine until we started the...truth or dare. It started just fine at first, just stupid questions and dumb dares. But eventually things started to get a little more daring......" Alya stopped talking and looked over at marinette.
Not just her but everyone was looking at her as tears flooded her eyes again.
"Adrien wasn't in the room at the moment because he went to the bathroom and that's when.....that's when it was marinettes turn. She called out truth and so we asked if she......if she ever kissed can imagine our surprise when she said no and the polygraph said she was lying. We asked over and over and over until.....we shouldn't have asked....we should have let it go but, we were to stubborn."

Now it all made sense, when they were playing their game it was marinettes turn and she told them what.....what we did. Adrien must have overheard or walked in when she told them and that's how he found out......and that's how shit hit the fan.
Marinette started to cry out loud and Alya and Nino tried to comfort her.  Not only them but so did everyone else. I stood to my feet but didn't move in inch, it was my fault after all......if I just told her no when she asked me to teach her how to kiss.....if I just pushed my feelings away.....If i just let her go....she wouldn't be hurting like she is now.

I made my way over to a window and hung my head low. I felt a hand land on my shoulder, I turn to meet ninos warm brown eyes.
" hey dude how you holding up" he was surprisingly kind. I thought that he was just being nice because the girls were in the room and he was holding back some kind of pent up anger for me, being Adriens next friend and all I thought he might be mad that I kissed marinette.
Instead his voice was smooth and kind, not at all what I was expecting.

Ya I'm fine I just need to get myself back home.
I said as I tried to stand up straight, but that pain on my side was to much and it began to burn. What if Adrien managed to brake or maybe even crack one or some of my ribs?
"Maybe you should stay the night, we got an extra sleeping bad if you want?" Alya said as she walked from the corner of the room. I noticed something about the sleeping bag, their were seven sleeping bags and only six of them. I noticed Sabrina wasn't here.

Hey Nino what happened to Sabrina?
Nino looked back at Alya and then back to me.
" she left after marinette told everyone about the....the kiss. We didn't know at the time but it turns out Sabrina....well it turns out she had a thing for you. So when she found out, Adrien wasn't the only one who left.
Sabrina had a thing for me??? Me?!?
I did not see that coming, I can only image how she felt finding out about the kiss.
So far everything was going to hell, my eyes were starting to feel heavy. Not only did the fight push me to my limit but so did running on rooftops as chat noir. I looked down at the ring around my finger and thought of how I was going to fix this.

Time had pass and everyone was going to sleep, Alya ordered pizza and things felt like they were getting better. On the other hand me and marinette knew better. I told her I was going to make things right between her and Adrien.......she pulled me in for a hug and begged for forgiveness. Her broken voice scared my dreams. The gilt she felt for pinning me and Adrien against each other , but the fault was all mine. I told her there was nothing to forgive, that I was going to fix this in no time. We when to bed and drifted to sleep.
( 2 weeks later)
Dame it Adrien just listen to me for two god dame seconds!!!!!
He turned on his heel and turn to face me.
" I told you already time and time again, we have nothing to talk about!!!! You kissed her and she kissed you back!!! You made out on my bed for god sake!!!! Everyone knows it know and you can't change it."
He turn and went to the limo. I just stood there clenching my fist. For the last two weeks we barely talked. The night I stayed at alyas sleep over I gave back the ring and we went right back at it. Fighting almost every time I needed to talk to him. Not to mention that almost the entire school knew that I kissed marinette and that she was with Adrien.
After Sabrina was heart broken she went back to Chloe and told her everything. I made it even harder to get him to listen, for the last two weeks it's been hell and I can't even explain to him why I kissed her. She wanted the kiss to be perfect for him. The days she cried when someone left a note in her locker telling her she was a slut or the word tramp was write on her desk.
Neither me nor Adrien stood for this. When ever we get the chance I'd take a wet rag and clean up her desk or Adrien would walk by and snatch the letter out her hand and rip it to shreds.
I know somewhere deep inside he still cares about her I just need him to listen to me for just two seconds.

"He hates me you know" I turn to see marinette looking down. Her eyes were red and puffy, she's not only hurt but tired too. Being ladybug is the only time I see her happy....with Adrien. Neither of them know each other under the mask and it seems to be the only comfort they have. When there's no akuma to fight they talk most nights.
If she knew who he was under the mask would that change anything? If he k ew would've it fix anything? Probably not.
I walked over to her and lifted her chin up.
He doesn't hate you he's just......he just needs time, I told you I was going to fix this and I keep my promise.
She looks at me with hope in her eyes, I just hope I can keep my promise.

Hey everyone I know it's been some time since the last update I just wanted to let you all I am sorry that this chapter is a little shorter and there's not much going on. The next chapter will be longer I promise I just needed to get some things out of the way and I'm still busy. The next chapter will take even longer since I do want it to be a big chapter .
Before I go I just want to give you all one more heads up and ask a quick question
Everything is about to go to hell and someone's time is almost up. Lies will come undone and blood will be shed, the only question is who's?
Someone will die, who do you think it will be?

Ladybug x reader fixing her heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora