Chapter Nine

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Kyle walked into his house and was greeted by a ginger girl who gently kissed him.
"Hey they told me you stayed behind.."
"I know I just.. Needed to do something."
Rose smiled and pulled away from him. "I almost have dinner ready." She said and walked into the kitchen. Kyle's two children ran up to him and hugged him tight.
"We missed you!" His daughter, Hope said.
"I missed you too." Kyle lightly smiled and looked at his son, Axel.
"How are you doing?"
"Good." Kyle yawned and sat down on the couch, pulling his children into his lap and looking at the grainy tv.
"What are you watching?"
"Shane found some old Dvd's of cartoons on a run and he brought them to the school." Axel said leaning against Kyle. The Jewish boy nodded and his thoughts drifted to Cartman.
He had missed him. And he loved him. He knew that Cartman was right when he said he didn't care about his family, he did try to kill himself. But now he felt like he couldn't just leave them for Cartman. Kyle sighed and looked into the kitchen, watching rose at the stove. He knew that she loved him, and she was a really nice girl, but he never really loved her. He did love Cartman. He knew that for a fact. Kyle gently set his children on the couch and stood up, walking into the kitchen. He really didn't want to have this conversation. But he knew he had to.
"Yes sweetie?"
"We need to talk.. About something important.."
"Oh..? Alright.." Rose said uncertainly, tucking a red curl behind her ear.
"I.. I saw Cartman today."
"That boy you were in a group with before this..?"
"Well that's great!"
"Yeah but there's something I didn't tell you.." Kyle sighed and stared at the floor. "We were.. Lovers.."
"Y-you're gay?!"
"No I'm.. Bisexual.."
Rose screamed and pushed him away. "I had sex with someone who had sex with another man?!"
"We never had sex Rose. The most we've done is kiss.. It's kinda hard to do anything when you're out there and can't make much noise for fear of those things getting you." He frowned and crossed his arms.
"It's still wrong! Men are supposed to be with women!"
"How is it wrong?"
"Because the bible says it's wrong!"
"Well the bible says a lot of things are wrong but you just so happen to point out what YOU think is most wrong. I love him, Rose. And he is staying in a quarantine zone with my best friend who is also still alive. I want to go with them, but I also want to raise my children. I would like you and the kids to come with me, so I can be with them and raise our children. I want them to have their father and mother in their life."
"No!" She glared at him. "I want you to leave now!"
"Rose you can't kick me out of my kids lives!"
"Oh yes I can! You want to go with that boy then go ahead!"
"Rose.. I want to help raise the kids.."
"No! I don't want them to see you ever again! You'll convince them being gay is a good thing!"
The red head frowned, and crossed his arms. "Well why don't we let them decide what we should do?" Kyle said and marched into the living room, crouching down in front of his children.
"Hey guys. Do you want both me and your mom around to raise you?"
"Well yeah." Hope said, in an obvious tone.
Kyle smiled and looked up at Rose.
"Well what if you found out your father liked boys as well as girls? Would you want him around then?"
"I don't care." Axel shrugged and Rose huffed. "I'm not leaving. You can visit them, but I'm not moving my children anywhere."
"Fine." Kyle frowned and started towards his room, packing up what little belongings he had. Then he remembered someone else. Ike. His brother was only 17 so he wasn't forced into a marriage yet, but he lived in a house with other under aged children. Kyle quickly walked out of the house and started walking towards it. The Jewish boy squeezed through the people inside and walked to the room he knew his little brother would be in.
"Ike." Kyle smiled and sat on his bed next to him. "Eric and Stan are alive. I'm going with them to live in a quarantine zone tonight. Will you come with me?"
The Canadian brother nodded. "Yeah. I don't want to get married next year," he said and laughed. Kyle beamed and hugged him. "Get your things ready. We are leaving tonight," Kyle whispered and pulled away. "I'll be back here and we'll sneak out. Okay?"
Ike nodded and went to his closet. Kyle smiled and walked out, now really anxious to see Cartman again, and catch up. Maybe they could even start a real relationship.

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