Chapter Eight

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~Five Years Later~

Kyle Broflovski hacked hard at the giant tree. "Come on you son of a bitch.." He breathed and swung harder at the tree.
"Kyle come on we need to get back." One of the men in Kyle's group shouted.
"I'll catch up with you later." The red haired male huffed.
"Rose will worry about you.."
"I DONT CARE!" Kyle shouted and kept swinging at the tree over and over. The group of men looked at each other, before eventually walking away. The Jewish boy sighed and chopped at the tree with all his might, cursing loud, not caring if any zombies heard him. Lately his depression was getting the better of him. Flash backs kept hitting him. Things he didn't want to remember kept showing in his dreams.
Finding his friends. Making camp, confessing his love to Cartman and starting a relationship with him, thinking it was all going to be fine. Kenny dying. Being separated from Stan and Cartman in a chase. Knowing that they were most likely dead. Being hunted by hunters and zombies. All the hell he has went through, through out the years. Now that he was living in a safe zone you would think he would be happy. But he wasn't. He was forced to marry like everyone else. And he has to has a child with his wife every year or else he will be punished. The Jewish boy sometimes wondered if things would be better if he were dead. With one last swing the tree came tumbling down with a large thud and crack. Kyle sighed deeply, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. In the distance he heard growls and hisses. Zombies were coming. But unlike every other time Kyle didn't run. He didn't want to run. He didn't want to live anymore.

Eric Cartman struggled to try and get some ammo in his gun, even though it wouldn't help him. The horde of zombies chasing him was too great. The brunette panted hard as he kept running, trying to think of a way to lose them, but there was nothing else he could see besides trees. Suddenly, Cartman heard a loud crack and thud.
"What the hell?" He panted and the horde of zombies turned their attention to the noise. This was Cartmans chance. He quickly his behind a tree and all of the walking dead started towards the noise. The brunette sighed, and curiosity started to get the better of him. Maybe there was something good over there. Cartman cautiously started to follow the zombies, until he saw a huge mass of red curls. He knew that hair anywhere.
"KAHL?!" Cartman shouted, as his heart began to pound. For years he believed Kyle to be dead, but know he was standing right here, about to be mauled by these zombies. The brunette grabbed the axe that was dropped by Kyle's side and he started chopping their heads clean off their necks. The red head's breathing started to weaken. Cartman..? He was alive..? Was all he thought as he leaned against a tree in a daze. Was this all a sick dream? He though.
"GOD DAMN IT KAHL HELP ME!" Cartman shouted as he almost got bitten by one of the zombies. Kyle shook his head to try and get himself out of the daze, and he took his pistol out of its holster, then began shooting at the zombies faces. Once they were all dead cartman dropped the axe and turned towards Kyle. "You're alive?! You're really alive?!"
"U-um I think so.." The red head whispered, still thinking this was maybe a dream.
"Kahl.." Cartman wrapped his arms around the Jewish boy and kissed him deeply. At first Kyle was surprised, but the familiar feeling of Cartmans lips against his, and his big arms around him, made him lose control. The Jewish boy desperately grabbed at cartman, wanting more of him, wanting to know for sure that he was real. The brunette started to cry into the kiss, as he moved his hand up into Kyle's hair. They eventually both pulled away, panting heavy.
"Oh god I thought you were dead.." Kyle whispered and started to cry as well. "I missed you." He added and hugged the larger male tight. Cartman sobbed loud and held Kyle tight as well, never wanting to let go.
"I knew you were alive.. I've been searching for you for so long.. I found Stan in a quarantine town not too far from here and I knew that you were alive too.. And I found you." The brunette said, running his fingers through Kyle's curls.
The Jewish boy sniffled "you've been searching for me?"
"Yeah I mean.. I love you." Cartman whispered and kissed him quickly once again. Kyle's heart felt like it was about to burst but he pulled away quickly. "Wait.. I'm married.."
"What?! Married?!" Cartman asked, eyes wide.
"And I have two children.."
"What the fuck Kahl?!"
"It's not my fault! They took me in, but their rules are strict! We have to have children! So they arrange marriages."
"Oh my god!"
"I've been searching for you for years!! And you've been here getting married and having kids?!"
"Well what do you want me to do?! Live out here where I can be killed?! This place has electricity and working water! I think that is worth the strict rules!"
"So now what? After I finally find you I'm just gonna end up going back and living with Stan in his quarantine town? There they don't force marriage or having kids."
"You.. You could live here with me.."
"No way Kahl. I'm gay. I can't marry a women and have sex with her."
Kyle sighed and turned his back to Cartman. "Well then I guess it was for nothing."
"That's it?! You fucking asshole Kahl you are coming with me."
"No I'm not Cartman! I have children! I have to raise them!" Kyle shouted turning towards Cartman again.
"They forced you to have kids you don't have to raise them!"
"Yes I do!"
"So what you're just gonna keep making kids until you die?!"
"No.. Until Rose can't have children anymore."
"Oh that's your wife? Well you can tell her to suck on my fat balls because you are mine Kahl."
"I'm not anyone's! I'm not an object you asshole!"
Cartman huffed and crossed his arms.
"I'll be back here tonight. And you either stay here with your wife or come with me. And we will live happily ever after with Stan in that quarantined town not too far from here. And just so you know Kahl. They have electricity and water too. If you want to raise your kids so bad convince them, your wife, and the other people here to come with you. But I love you Kahl. And I want to be with you. If you really love rose then fine stay married to her and we can remain friends. But I don't think you really love her. And I don't think you really care about your kids either seeing as you just tried to kill yourself." Cartman spat and walked away from the Jewish boy.

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