Monday, however, was a different story. It was the day of Emily's first doctor's appointment, and the couple was very, very excited. By now almost everyone in school knew that Emily was pregnant, and Emily didn't care. There were people who called her a slut and told her that she was clueless,  but she ignored those like she had ignored every call or text her father had sent her over the weekend that he was obviously forced to send.

So, when 2:30 came and school was out, it was no surprise to their friends when Grayson and Emily almost ran to Grayson's car to go to the appointment. The car was filled with a comfortable silence on the way to the appointment, both teens too excited to be able to put their thoughts into words.

Pulling into the parking lot, the excitement began to build. Emily and Grayson knew that this appointment wasn't anything huge. It was just a quick check up to see the baby and find out how far along Emily was. To the couple, however, this was the first time that they would get to see their child. They were giddy.

Ella had already texted Emily that morning to ask for pictures of the baby. Emily had agreed as long as her mother promised not to show them to her father. Her terms were reluctantly agreed to.

Walking into the office brought stares of surprise and judgement from the other people there. Some were obviously surprised that someone so young was there. Others seemed judgmental, obviously not able to believe how someone so young could've been so stupid.

Emily ignored them however, holding Grayson's hand in her left hand and filling out the forms with her right. Once she was done, she brought the forms up to the woman at the counter who told her to sit down and that she will be called soon. Emily walked back to her seat and laid her head on Grayson's shoulder, content to wait.

15 minutes later Emily heard her name called and walked over to where the nurse was standing. The nurse took her vitals and took her back to the room where she answered questions and was then told another standard line of "The doctor will be right with you."


10 minutes later, the couple was greeted with a woman. "I'm Dr. Caldwell," the woman greeted. She shook Grayson and Emily's hands and sat down in the chair. She asked Emily the standard questions and then grabbed the gel off of her cart.

"This will be cold," the doctor warned as she squirted the gel onto Emily's stomach. Emily jumped at the sensation, and Dr. Caldwell just smiled. She moved the wand around and the room was soon filled with the soft but strong heartbeat of a little baby.

Tears filled Emily's eyes. That was her baby. Her little human that she and the love of her life had created together. Grayson just smiled the hugest grin his face could manage and squeezed Emily's hand. The doctor moved the wand around a bit more,  and spoke to get the couple's attention.

"This," she said, pointing at the screen, "is your baby." The couple moved closer to the screen, and saw the tiniest little thing they could have ever imagined. It was about the size of a strawberry, and Grayson and Emily were immediately in love.

"You're almost out of the first trimester, which is usually when we worry about miscarriage. You should begin showing around 12 weeks. Do you have any questions?" Dr. Caldwell asked. When the couple said no, she asked them if they wanted pictures. She was answered with an immediate yes, and she laughed as she printed the pictures.

"You two are really excited, aren't you?" She asked. The couple nodded shyly. "That's great. I see couples older than you who seem like a child is the last thing in the world they would ever want. It's refreshing to see a couple as young as you this excited about having a baby. It's great that you two are embracing this."

When the pictures were finished printing, the doctor informed them that she didn't need to see them back for another month and that they could schedule their next appointment on the way out. She led them to the nurses station, and went back to work. Emily booked her next appointment, and the couple walked out of the office.


When Emily was about to send her mother the pictures, she texted first so that her mother would know to go into another room as to not alert John of anything suspicious. When her phone began to ring almost instantly after her phone showed that the message was delivered, Emily was not happy.

She knew it was her father despite the caller id saying it was her mother. Her dad would have been home from work by now, and Ella never risked calling when John was home. She went to hit ignore when Grayson stopped her.

"Answer it. You know he's just gonna keep calling until you do," he said, and Emily reluctantly agreed. "He stooped pretty low calling from Mom's phone," she grumbled before she hit accept on the call.

"What, Father?" She greeted, with no attempt to be polite or respectful. "Hey Emily," Emily's aunt Micayla, or Mic,'s voice came through the line. "What's wrong?" Emily asked, her voice suddenly becoming shaken at her normally cheery aunt's obvious dismay.

"It's your parents. They've been in an accident."

A/N: Disclaimer: I don't know any of the factual information in this book. All that's in here is from medical shows, research, or things I already knew.
Also- hey I think that this is maybe the longest chapter of this so far! And yes I know that there is a cliffhanger but the next one will be written hopefully soon.

A Life We Never ExpectedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz