Chapter Fourteen

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Bailey's POV

As I walked into the bar, and noticed two men talking to Hershel, Rick, and Glenn. I marched up to Hershel told him what had happened. "She needs you. We need to get you back. So get up and lets go." I speak with anger.

"Who is this hot piece of ass here? You got more like her at this farm?" I narrow my eyes at a fat dude. Then shoot my glare towards Rick. "Um first of all. Fuck to the no. And second of all, who blabbed their big ass mouth about the farm?" I rub my forehead. No one answers me so I huff and grab the bottle that Hershel was drinking from and take a swig.

The smaller guy tries to convince Rick to let his group stay at the farm. "It's not his decision to to make nor his farm to protect. It's mine." I growl. "Farm girl, eh?" The fat guy smirks. "Not even close dickhead." I narrow my eyes more. "Besides we already have the max amount." I shrug. "This is bullshit." Fat boy yells while walking away from the wall he was leaning against.

Rick tells the man to calm himself. "Don't tell me to calm down, don't you ever tell me to calm down. I'll shoot you four assholes in the head and take your damn farm." Rick stands up and the two men get in each others faces. "As if. Your head would be mounted in my room before your fatass could pull up your gun." It was my turn to smirk as I took another drink.

The other guy finally stands up. "Relax, take it easy. Nobody's killing anybody. Right Rick?" He jumps over the bar. The fat guy puts his hand on the gun thinking no one saw him. Rick does the same also noticing it in the mirror on the wall behind the bar. The skinnier guy puts his gun on the bar and puts his hands up. I notice his eyes flicker to his friend. "You gotta understand we can't stay out there.." He trails while pouring a drink. "You know what it's like." He finishes. "Yeah I do. But like I said the farm is too crowded as is. I'm sorry. You'll have to keep looking." Rick says with no emotion.

"Keep looking.. Where do you suggest we do that." The dude rolls his eyes. "I don't know. I heard Nebraska's nice." Rick replies. The dude laughs. "Nebraska? This guy!" He reaches for his gun but Rick was faster. I pulled my right revolver out and shot the fat dude just as quick as Rick did the other guy. Hershel gives us a pointed look. Rick and I just shrug it off. "Okay. Now that that's over, we need to go. It's getting dark and Beth needs you."

Hershel finally agrees to leaving but before we could walk out a couple cars pull in.


We were probably surrounded for an hour before someone, being me, had a plan. "Okay. I'll go out and distract them while y'all go around back and make it to Hershel's car." I say standing up. "No. We are all going together." Hershel argues. "If they aren't distracted then no one's getting out alive. Just trust me on this. Rick I want you to punch me." I say turning towards him. "What? No!" He shoots back. "Fucking do it Rick. It will help convince them. DO IT!" I growl. He swings and my face was yanked to the side. I grabbed my cheek and nodded in approval. "I seriously can believe you just did that!" Glenn say bouncing up and down with a smile. I glare at him and he stops with a sheepish smile.

I mess my hair up and make my self cry a little. I pull the sleeve of my tanktop down a little and bag it up more. "Alright. Sneak out now. My bikes in front with the keys still in so I have my escape planned. When you see me pull away is when you need to. Okay?" They nod and I pretend to bust out of the door making sure it closes behind. The men standing there all brought their guns up. "Please don't shoot! Please!" I fakely sob. I run into the obvious leaders arms and continue sobbing.

"Please help me! Those men are terrible terrible people! They torcher me and other very bad things!" I say making myself shake. "Don't worry sweet-cheeks. I got you." He says obviously smirking at the other men ogling me. I let him wipe my tears and smile seductively at him. He smirks back and pulls me into a hug just to touch my ass. He lets go and I stand with my back towards him in his arms still.

"There's only three of them. You could definitely take them on yourself with those rugged muscles." I say while pressing my bottom into his privates. I inwardly gag as he pushes harder into me. "You think baby?" He says, ego way to high. I nod and giggle. "The younger white man and the asian have guns. The old man has a small pocket knife." I say giving small information, enough for him to trust me. I look over and see the three were in Hershel's car. "Oh my gosh! Is that a motorcycle?" I say jumping and clapping. I look up to the man I was standing next to. "Can I go get on it? I've always wanted to try!" I smile. He nods giving me a smirk. I walk towards it making sure to swing my hips.

I throw my leg over and fake a squeal. "This is amazing!" The man walks over to me. "You look so sexy on it." His eyes trail my body. I blush and giggle. "Aren't you and your men going to take those boys out. The faster it happens the faster me and you can get to your camp." I say seductively. His eyes widen and he orders half of his men to go around back and orders the other men to come with him. "Randall. You stay out and watch this pretty gal." The man orders and they walk in. I wait for the door to shut to slam my fist into Randall's face. He was knocked cold out. I signaled for Rick to start driving. I turn the bike on and wait for Rick to pass. As I start to drive away I hear the men coming out and starting to shoot.

"YOU FUCKING LITTLE BITCH! YOU PLAYED ME!!" The man yelled behind me. I felt an white hot pain shoot through my lower back and in my arm. I kept going though, I had to make it back. Black dots clouded my vision but I could tell the sun was rising and where I was going. We finally pulled up to the farm. I noticed everyone coming up. I parked a little farther behind Rick. I slowly got off my bike. Daryl was looking at me. Everyone else noticed the others first. I starting walking slowly. It felt like I was drunk but with so much more pain. I felt a liquid fall down my lip and touched it. I looked at my finger tips and saw blood.

"Bailey? Are you alright?" Benny questions. This gets everyone's attention. I nod slowly and look down at my lower abdomen and touch a wet looking part. I bring my hand up and notice more blood. I do the same with my arm. "Are you sure? You don't look alright." Hanna speaks. "Well thanks." I say which follows with a cough making blood fly out of my mouth. Daryl starts walking towards me as my world starts spinning. My knees give out and I feel myself falling. The last thing I saw was Daryl catching me before darkness took over.

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