Shattered Glass and Shattered Heart.

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Harry's blood turned to ice. His hand gripped his wand tight and his other still clenched the prophecy that he had almost entirely forgotten about. He could feel Voldemort's red eyes trail down to the orb and then panic set in. What if Voldemort got the Prophecy? No. That can't happen. All the anger, frustration and pain erupted and his hand tightened around the Prophesy so tightly until smash! The glass shattered and erupted splintering glass into the flesh on his hand. He could feel the blue energy flow out of his hand and for a second he felt the chill of it run like a shiver up the veins in his hand before pain overtook. Then Voldemort's eyes narrowed and the purple vein in his hideous neck swelled up.
"You are going to pay for that" he spat and incarnated something. A split second before a white flash heading straight at his chest did Harry understand what Voldemort had just incarnated. Cruccio.

Pain consumed his every thought as he fell to the ground and he didn't even know if he was screaming. All he knew was his veins were burning and freezing all at the same time and every nerve ending was screaming. Then suddenly it was over and Harry still couldn't breathe, his lungs ached and his heart was beating out of his chest, it even ached for his heart to beat. He could feel his tears so ever cold against his warm, burning skin and he could feel every muscle shaking. But he forced himself up on his feet anyway, and then found himself being pushed back behind a statue of the Minister of Magic by none other than Dumbledore. He had no idea when he had gotten there but he had obviously distracted Voldemort which Harry felt relieved in the slighted bit.

Dumbledore looked different in this light with his eyes cold and dangerous. Harry hadn't seen him like this before and now he knew why he was the most powerful wizard. Because he was dangerous; he was battling Voldemort with ease using spells Harry didn't even know existed. Voldemort waved his wand and yelled "Confringo!" And giant roaring flames flared out and rushed towards Dumbledore. Dumbledore widened his stance and shot out "Aguamenti". Waves of water poured out of the end of his wand and swallowed up the fire and then started swirling around like a tornado. The swirling water then engulfed Voldemort completely and Harry could see him choking and clawing uselessly at the water holding him captive. Then the water all but fell onto the floor with a splash and Voldemort was on his feet again and he uttered something and all the glass from all the windows shattered. Then the shards of glass rose, pointed directly at Dumbledore and then shot forward at an alarming speed. Oh no. But a shield came forward from Dumbledore's wand and the shards of glass belittled until they were fine shards of sand in a desert storm. Voldemort made an inhuman noise and disappeared, twisting away with a black swirls of his robes.

It's over. Harry thought but he thought too soon as there was something almost pressing on the inside of his head. This is what Legilimens felt like. Oh shit. Harry shut his eyes and concentrated. He imagined the lake and how the water rippled. But then the pressure increased and the waves started to climb. He fell to his knees completely unaware of the pain in his hand. The waves were now splashing and breaking, anymore and Voldemort would know every secret. Every detail. But then the pressure increased more and more and Harry thought his head might spit open. Then one of the waves collapsed and Harry felt Voldemort claw at the break in Harry's mental block for any secrets. Immediately Harry knew he had to hide the most precious of memories and secrets. He had the hide the most dangerous of memories and secrets. He sank them all to the bottom of his lake and then sent harmless memories of Hedwing directly at the intrusion hoping to distract Voldemort. Then a voice spoke in his ear "Stay strong Harry, keep your memories safe"
Quickly Harry sent a memory of Laughing with friends, being happy, feeling loved and he felt Voldemort back off. He did it again and again and then felt the intrusion in his mind dissolve completely. He was lying on the crushed glass on the floor, covered in sweat and his head was pounding like a gorilla smashing it's fists against a cage countless times. But it was over...for now anyways. All the secrets and everything with Draco Malfoy safe.


"Stop fretting over your boyfriend Draco" Pansy said watching him pace around. Draco stopped and glared at her "He's not my boyfriend... Wait how did you know?"
Pansy waved a hand in the air as if dismissing the comment. "Darling everyone knows, ever since that day or rather night you two lovebirds slept in the same bed. Quite a cute scene apparently with you holding him like.."
"Not one word." Draco snapped and then sighed. What if he hurt himself? That stupid idiot was always doing that. Putting himself into dangerous situations. I just hope he's okay...oh that sounded far to soppy for a Malfoy.
"Honestly Draco your boyfriend going to be fine"
Draco stopped pacing again. "Again, not my boyfriend"
But then the archway opened up and Harry Potter appeared on the other side. He looked pale, panicked and just...something wasn't right. His normally bright green eyes were dull like the light behind his life had blown out. He had rolled his shirt up to his elbows and Draco could see streaks of dried red blood on his forearms. Draco felt his heart lurch seeing Harry like this. And as Harry all but ran down to the dorms and spelled it super glue shut did Draco know he just wanted to be there for Harry, to hold him or at least find out what happened. He tapped nervously on the wooden door and called out "Harry? Harry it's me Draco. Please open up." Draco pleaded (his father would not get to know how he had just said please). Then the door creaked open...

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