Blood, Sweat and Tears

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"You know Potter, there should be a bet" Malfoy suggested, while being dragged by Potter to the Slytherin common room.
"There should be a bet, you and I"
Potter stopped and then looked at Malfoy.
"What for? See who will die first? See who wil."
"Why is it always death Potter?" Malfoy questioned, tugging Potter to a stop.
"Why is it always?.. Oh sod off Malfoy" Porter huffed and then tried to walk away as far off as their wrists would allow. But Malfoy pulled him back again.
"Tell me this instant" Malfoy commanded. To which Potter laughed and then replied "as if"
This infuriated Malfoy, and when Potter turned once again to completely ignore him he pulled Potter back with such a force that he overbalanced him completely, causing both of them to tumble and allow for Potter to somehow land underneath Malfoy yelping as he fell.

Potter was warm, Malfoy hadn't expected it with the cold words that spoke with his mouth everyday.
"Malfoy can you kindly get off me?" Potter asked, annoyance and embarrassment clear on his face. Speaking of Potter's face, it was quite close, but Malfoy supposed while he was stuck here he might as well get some answers.
"No actually, I have a few questions and I won't let you go until you tell me the truth" Malfoy stated and then sat up slightly, holding Harry's wrist's above him, and straddled him. Potter couldn't move.
Potter signed deeply, and then thudded his head on the ground, then, after a moment he said "I guess I'll get comfy then"
Malfoy was outraged, that idiot really was annoying. Especially when he turned his head and closed his eyes, making it look like he was sleeping in the most comfortable bed in France.
"Why do you care Malfoy? I thought with us being enemies and all that you would want me to die but here you are doing something slightly inappropriate instead"
Why did Malfoy care? His brain supplied no answer, so he stayed silent for a second.
"Really Malfoy? That's all, I thought maybe you had this elaborate plan to get into my personal life and then sell my secrets to the world so I would become the boy who spilled... Honestly"
Now Malfoy thought about it, that was a good plan and he had no other.
"Yes, Potter that is exactly what I am doing" Malfoy said smugly then frowned. Potter was laughing. He could tell because it made Malfoy bounce up and down a bit when he did. But Potter didn't stop laughing, if anything he started laughing more, which was a nice sound but tell no one he thought that.
"What is it Potter?" Malfoy asked, he was getting not worried just slightly concerned, actually scratch that just curious (Malfoy's don't do worried) at the tears leaking out Potter's eyes.
"Tell me!"
Potter didn't answer, he was busy shaking his head in amusement.
Malfoy was stunned, he had made Potter cry and made Potter kiss him. It had been quite a day. So he let Potter go, and rolled off him before dragging him up to go back to the Slytherin dungeon, Potter silently laughing behind him.


Okay, Harry really hadn't thought about this; how on earth was he going to change, his wrist couldn't detach from Malfoy's so there was no way this was going to work besides there was one bigger problem. He needed to pee. But obviously he would need Malfoy to go with him and well that would just be awkward but he had noticed he hasn't peed all day. Wait. That's a little weird he normally didn't do that did he? Okay this was weirder than the weird sisters.
"What is it Potter" Malfoy snapped.
"I need we.. Okay this is weird.." Harry gave up, he had never thought he would be asking Malfoy if he could go pee.
"Spit it out Potter I don't have all day" Malfoy said with impatience clear.
"Right. So I have to pee"
Malfoy looked at him and then sighed in relief. "Thank merlin I thought you'd never go"

The peeing was awkward to say the least. It was hard getting the zipper down. It was hard being relaxed. It was just plain awkward peeing peacefully beside a sworn enemy, nearly holding hands and with privates all exposed. Harry, quite frankly, never wanted to experience that ever again. But things were about to get from awkward to serious (Sirius)


He was in the black tiled corridor again, sliding silently along the cold floor but something was different this time. He heard voices. Not the usual hallowing silence But not hushed whispering voices either. They were loud angry and violent voices. Thud! Someone hit the floor with a scream. Bang! There was the resounding sound of a dark spell. Flash! There were lightning strikes of white, red and black lightening up the room coming ever closer with every scream. He could see in now, the room was small, dingy and by the looks of it had been used for this torture before. Then he saw him. Voldemort. Wand poised. Eyes evil. But it wasn't the scene of the most vile creature in existence that made Harry's blood and sweat, turn cold. It was who was screaming, with bloody cuts and black bruises. Arthur Weasley.

The Re-sorting Hat.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora