Welcome... To Slytherin.

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Harry sulked behind Malfoy and Blaise as they led the way down to dungeons. Malfoy kept glancing back at the sulking boy behind him. It was strange to think that all this time Potter could have been in his house, maybe then they could have been friends... Malfoy would have liked that wait no he wouldn't they're enemies.

They stopped infront of a portrait of salazar slytherin for a second; both Malfoy and Blaise glancing nervously at Potter before speaking the password "heritige". The door swung open and Potter halted for a moment, he chewed his lip nervously before taking in a deep breath and stepping forward into the unknown territory with his bravery on the line. Only time will tell if he would be accepted or if he would even make friends. Maybe Malfoy would be nice to him, I mean he was nice enough today.

"Welcome to...Slytherin"

The Re-sorting Hat.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora